Tear Away The Greed Tendency

Human needs are insatiable, and so its reality incites man to a daily adventure of having to satisfy his crave, as much as the day provides.

But man has been seeped in constant pursuit of the means to meet up with his everyday demand even though he knows they are not satisfiable. In his desire to try to scuttle factual reality and maybe satisfy his wants, he gathers and gathers; and yet he seeks the more to gather, because his needs remain insatiable.

Man in his attempt to defy nature and amass more than the essential daily needs demand has evidently slipped to greed, and he feels safe in its scum.

But then what can greed be said to be? Greed is seeking more than you need. It is the crave to have more than is required for your survival.

The fact is that each day is sufficient unto itself; whatever you need for the day is made provision for by the day as its necessities beckon on you. So there is in essence no need to acquire and hoard on the basis that it is not just to suffice for the moment but to secure the future.

To a man of deep understanding of the working of what life is,there is no need to acquire for the tomorrow rather than to think on the possibility that it could be; and this is so for the reason that,as far as we are concerned, the coming of the morrow and the possibility that we could be part of it remains very much unassured.

As such, hoarding for the uncertainty of tomorrow, gathering more than what our present need excite is working against the fact of life and playing against life.

Greed, as such becomes an inconsequential act that distracts the mind and keeps it in a state of been detached from the existence of the day, which itself is the handy reality it could boast of to a shadow-pursuit of a nonexistent reality that is far and out of its control.

Greed keeps the self away from the required commitment it needs to give to the present reality and engulf it in a self battle of having to meet tomorrow's need today.

We must find need to focus on what desires or wants the day brings on us and we must trust the day also to meet its thrust on us. The day is sufficient unto itself; it has the necessary acquisitions and arsenal to meet whatever it finds relevant to impulse and so it would be capable to cause us to afford the needs it imposes on us.

We do not need to be greedy, seeking to acquire for the needs of tomorrow. That would be playing the odious fast game of trying to place the cart before the horse, and in a matter we lack hold of. Our mindset for the provisions of life should be reflective of one key aspect of "The Lord's Prayer", give us this day our daily bread.

It is in such consciousness that we creditably kick out the very foundation of greed, of thinking for tomorrow's need. Our focus on the effort that brings about today's need, makes us, instead of being distracted, very committed and exhibiting the best efforts that makes our today what it should be: worth living.

Be content for what the day is able to achieve for your need, it is the present gift you've got and the one essentially worth your living.


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