
Showing posts with the label Dalep

Dalep: Crashing Value-system and Growing Inhumanity

The brutal execution of Dalep Daciya, a male student of UniMaid (University of Maiduguri) by the dreaded Boko Haram sect is just another incident that would keep distorting the serenity of the calm, observant mind, and raising beyond it, pertinent questions. Dalep had celebrated the yuletide holiday with his family. One thing definitely could have been in his mind as he set out for this journey: of how the new session of studies would be.  He was happily returning to resume studies when he was abducted along the Maiduguri-Jos highway. We also mustn't forget also of what could be the parting ceremonies of the people he had been with and who he was leaving for the moment to do the what was educationally needful. Dalep, as we were made to know left for this crucial journey with some other commuters, one of which happened to be his school mate, and with whom he was abducted. We wouldn't know under what circumstances the sect decided to eventually kill him- whether or not he