Did The Pope Say "No Hell Exist"?

Controversy has trailed the statement attributed to the pope that "hell does not exist".

An Italian newspapers La Repubblica released an article where Pope Francis was quoted to have answered in an interview by Eugenio Scalfari that there's no hell, but only a disappearance of sinful soul.

He was quoted as saying that the righteous souls who have been pardoned by God appear before him where they contemplate. But the unrepentant souls which cannot be pardoned just disappear.

An atheist,  Eugenio Scalfari is the founder of the La Repubblica and is described as a good friend of the pontiff, who is said to grant the veteran journalist interviews.

The Vatican has immediately come out to issue a disclaimer on the statement attributed to the head of the Catholic church, saying it's merely a misquote by the journalist noted for not using recorder or notes during interviews.

The recent position adduced to Pope Francis is stoutly against the long tradition of the church which has maintained that souls who die in mortal sins have their place in a fiery hell.


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