Be Humble Yet Be Proud Of Who You Are                                                            

The human person is an entity that's significantly important even within the framework of his environment. His physiological excellence and his mental ingenuity stands him out.  
The very place of man as primus amongst other creatures is well appreciated. The dignity of the human person is one big value that should be cherished. And in the realisation of this, man cherishes who he is and what he bears.       
However his place and value among the others, man also is a natural substance, a created being. From the biblical account of creation, it is posited of how man is a composition from dust, which life's essence is drawn from his divine Lord who created and sustains him with his breath.

This brings me to the review of today's issue. Of why man ought to be humble yet proud. Indeed no antithesis is intended here.  As much as it could literarily suggest,  it does not so far deeply infer.

Instead a further prodding in analysis would suffice to understand that man despite his essence in creational value-chain and irrespective of his achievements, still remains a substance subservient to the whims of nature. He is a created being answerable and governed by his creator.

The place of man as one important being is even acknowledged by the spiritual dynasty. As a spiritual being himself, man comes just below the angelic host, the machinery of the divine mission.

Man is a force to reckon with, he is the driver of the world he shares with co-created beings. He is a higher being,  intelligent and of essence.

Therefore to say that man should not be proud of who he is is largely to deny the truth of his value and worth.

Amongst his peers, every man has a dignity he protects. It is his worth, and it is his sense of value. Man therefore ought to be proud of who he is, what he has become and what value he impresses. It is the dignity of his person. There's no reason why anyone should feel less than his peers.

Nevertheless, in all honesty, man is but a creation from dust, whose hold unto life is from the benevolence of his creator. He is as such dependent for life and for the privileges it offers upon his ultimate guardian.

Of his own accord, man is insufficient, unable and weak. The very question of the psalmist throws forth light on this reality. "What is man, Lord, that thou art mindful of him?"

What does this reveal. It is that man is but a being that depends on the graciousness of his creator. It is the fact that man, even as much as his importance circulates, is but a mortal, weak and dependent being.

Of a truth, it reveals the fact of man though necessarily demanding to appreciate his dignity, must show restraint in doing that. It is that the man proud of his worth and values must exercise humility also and always. Hence, no need for anyone to feel more important than others.

One practical way to be proud of who you are is to remember your victories and impacts. Throw your head high and be happy that you are not worthless.

One way to be humble when the feeling is taking you so high and unnecessarily proud is to remember your failures, it is to recall how once, twice you've flubbed. This gives you restraint that in in everything man is still nothing.


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