$9.6bn: P & ID and The Internal Conspiracy

The conspiracies, which have been thrown up by the recent revelation as regards the P & ID (is it Nigeria Ltd or British Island Ltd? An issue, per se that would be looked into separately) botched gas deal, just revealed the rather frightening situation of how Nigeria was practically sold, in somewhat scurrilous means.

The case in question brings to view how the nation, at present and in future, was mortgaged in a continuous graduality to outside forces by those that have access and control to our commonwealth through a highly sophisticated collaborations by both internal and external money mongers.

The saboteurs have answered to their names and the unsuspecting Nigerian population have begun to know who they are by the indictment that has has quietly to expose their gran conspiracy.

What sabotage could be more deleterious than one orchestrated with the support of internal mechanism that knows deeply the tendons that holds the joining of the internal structures, and how weakly each segment could be?

It's rather shameful how such big Nigerian names connected with this shenanigan of such grandstanding fraud should be involved in whatever way in the first place. It is heart wrenching to ponder having known that these similar individuals have benefited from the system and adequately compensated too.

Beyond the chief element of greed, it is rash insensitivity to work against an institution to which one owes a lot. It is sheer unpatriotism to collaborate to fleece one's nation, especially after having benefited humongously.


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