#Nigeria59: The Mockery True Freedom

Indeed, in the human cycle of life, a person of 59 years old is generally considered as mature and is expected to have reached a certain standard in what's overall assessment. The years of childhood with the parental support and of the exposure that comes along with puberty and growing into adulthood are all committed to making him a true, responsible adult.

And at 59, so many expectations should have been met. This is ordinarily the expected.

Today, Nigeria marks 59 good years of nationhood, of a nation independent and sovereign under God. It's been a long time since our political independence was birthed in the morning of October 1st, 1960, and our journey all along the years is something that, regardless of how we differently perceive it, ought to be a narrative of remarkable essence.

The beauty of the processes that would eventually evolve into what was to be described as an independent Nigeria is worth reminiscing, at least if for the reason that it will get us committed to pursuing the ultimate desire of the pursuit of freedom and hence of our political history. The cumulative struggles by both men and women nationalists that raised the consciousness of the value of a free and independent society among Nigerians and put the imperialists on their toe-edges are the definitive processes that made the journey to Independence remarkable.

Nigerians, both young and old, were gripped with the overwhelming desire to be free which has been raised by the ground works of knowing nationalists like Herbert Macaulay, the Zik of Africa, the Sardauna of Sokoto, Obafemi Awolowo just to mention a few. They bought into this consciousness and bolstered the aspiration. Nigerians, from all walks of life, were high in spirit, emboldened and fully expected the birth of the cherished freedom of nationhood.

So when it came, boom- it was joy explosive. At that very moment when the Union Jack, the flag of the imperial United Kingdom was gradually lowered, paving way for the hoisting of the life-holding Green-&-White flag of the new Nigerian nation, it was indeed ecstatic the joy that gripped the land, that morning of October 1st, 1960. History reported that people, many of whom were in the interiors, villages and rural communities sang, danced and rejoiced. It was a highly exhilarating and electrifying feel.

The reason for such feeling was very obvious. Of course, it was not an excitement drawn from what was immediate and on ground. The feeling of joy was defined by the wave of expectancy that dotted the people's senses. They had envisaged a new order that would be defined by the process that was immediate. Independence, for them had posed the greater prospect of a growth and development that was to be coordinated by them. The vision of a greater nation, which political independence was the base, had been their joy and reason to celebrate.

59 years down the line and it seems as though the vision is somehow serenaded. Of a truth, the path which this nation has taken cannot be explicitly described, clearly we seem not to know whither we're heading to. Straddled with political incontinences, with sprawling conflicts and disturbances of ethnic and religious colourations, somehow this nation- with the committed efforts of true citizens has continued to make waves in positive strives. But, yet we are not where we should be; still far from what was the expectations that bursted great gripping joy at independence in 1960.

Nigeria, amidst her many resources, ingenuity and natural prospects for growth is best described as a crawling giant, an oxymoron that pinches deeply into conscious thinking. Sometimes, our growth pedestal the last 59 years compared with our overwhelming resources just makes one wondering if this nation is under some kind of spell. But, this strong allusion could similarly be strongly dismissed if we realize the potency of leadership to change the narrative of a nation.

Indeed, it is unfortunate that the narrative of Nigeria as a nation blessed with human and mineral prospects, rich enough to guarantee a strong competitive vibrant world economy, all along the years just segued into the woeful narrative of a country stood over by inefficiencies and deepening visionless and inept leadership. It's pitiful how we segued into a disappointing paradox of a rich nation struggling with poverty, hunger and diseases.

Nigeria has missed the mark of her Independence Goal, and our penchant for maladministration has continued to push us further out of the way. There is no remedy at sight because our leaders seem just adamant in continuing the dereliction, fuelled by citizens complacency and invigorated sycophancy. Nigerians are all comfortable, even when in the unexplained discomfort they shouldn't be. We are described as resilient, happy people and we are just happy to be so referred in such mocking terms because we are so comfortable with our woes to realise how it's a mockery.

The responsibility for all Nigerians is to realise that it's not yet 'uhuru'. At 59 we are not near where we ought to be, considering our size, ingenuity and strength. We must therefore re-focus our essence and as citizens begin the process of demanding leadership, clarity and administrative accountability from our leaders. At 59, we must learn from the passionate people of Hong Kong not to be complacent with situations of governance or be sycophantic of government but must rise to demand for democratic realignment that captures the 1960 Independence Goal!

Finally, though we cannot adequately be said to be politically free in its true sense and value -considering the straddling downturns that pervade our economic, political and justice  spaces, may I use this to wish Nigerians happy Independence with a call for all to re-focus on its mandate. I call for the reinfusion of the spirit of history when the joys and expectations of freedom gave Nigerians (both young and old) what was a true celebration.



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