#IYD2020: Enabling Youth for Global Action
Interday was August 12, and globally as has become customary, the UN marked it as International Youth Day in celebration of the global young population.
As the world and especially the youths relished the day with the topic ''Engaging the youths for global action, I just had to swerve between two emotions, one of great excitement and the other of deep disappointment.
#IYD2020: I'm Happy...
I am a youth, by international description, and as such I'm happy that today I'm celebrated alongside my peers through the auspices of the International Youth Day as set aside by the United Nations to re-echo the importance attached to the young population in fostering governance and building strong advocacy.
#IYD2020: I'm Not Happy...
At the same instance, however, I am not just happy that I am a youth in a nation that has no value for its future and its youth, where instead their future has become mortgaged through the incessant and crippling loans, especially from China, running into billions of dollars!
How are the young ones engaged in a country that just think of satisfying the sleaze of the present leadership that are of high greed? What future do the youths of such a nation has, especially when the sleaze of leadership has pushed the country to mortgage its future?
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