My Realest Role Model

Sometimes, people ask me who my role model is and I often do not say what they probably would expect.

For I know, as is always traditional, they would expect me to draw inspiration from one influential figure or another highly spoken person. But my unconventional drift seems to just defy the norm!

Not as though there are no such people, who have made mark for themselves and have impacted on life in ways gloriously spoken of. There are many of them, and deeply I cherish them for who they've become and for what they've achieved!

However, to be frank, none of them, in their sparks, fits to be described as my role model: the top bureaucrats, the business moguls, the high-valued political juggernauts, the influential religious leaders and erudite academicians. They do not form my models, as much as I cherish their ilks.

Who are my role models? They are but just society's simple elements out there, who continue to inspire and motivate me through their simple  influences expressed through their commitments to leave above swarming impressionism and still emit laudable responsibilities.

To every young person out there, genuinely working hard to put food on the table and to meet other numerous daily needs that call from home, parents, siblings and people around them, I strongly salute you. You're my inspiration, you're my real role models!

Your achievements, the continuous strides you evince even in a setting that's tough and doesn't seem to offer the hope for leverage, and mostly the lucid means which you go about asserting them have being my encouragement. I celebrate you, today and always.

With paths so rugged and societal expectations so overbearing, you move and you soar with unflinching tenacity to win each day, to defy the enticing trends and to shatter every expectation. Oh my God, you guys are just too much!

#MyRoleModels, may heaven's face continue to shine on your every genuine effort to thrive and to succeed. May you, by your continuous daily successes and much more through the commendable processes with which you achieve them continue to inspire me!

🙏God Bless Y'all🙏


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