Royal Racism: The Meghan's Push

I do not support racism, and very much only when such idea has been proven to be not just an allegation, but a fact that it happened. I know very well my reason for taking this posture of racism being condemned for the indignity and dishonor that it is, only when it is genuine and provable that it happened.

It is this: that issue about racism, like the many others that bothers on our affective are very very sensitive (emphasis implied). Like issues about sexism, religion, politics and the many others, racism is very emotive and could easily stoke up reactions just at a spark!

Even as much as I respect the value of the human person and do more to promote the dignity of human life, whether expressed in the shades of white, Caucasian, black or Mongolian colour of, I do not not strive to achieve this or support the course that seeks to achieve this through lies and blackmail.

The recent interview held by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex is an attempt to seek public patronage through lies and blackmail. The chief victim and culprit being the British royalty and Meghan Markel respectively. The person of Prince Harry as seen in the picture is just a template for that needed publicity to wash off and denigrate the royalty. The Duke of Sussex was just the innocent scapegoat, used to easily corroborate the lies.

That's the way I see it, after a painstaking study of the situation.

Why would Meghan Markel resort to such diabolical stance aimed at denigrating the British monarchy, one may ask. Yes, I'll do well to give a snippet, and that snippet would be seen from the angle of the contentious aspect of the issue that has made the interview a sweet potato, selling widely as expected:


The history of Meghan and her controversial early marriage life before she finally met Harry or vice versa and the contentions between her and her immediate family that was very public should not defuse our concern about Meghan's disconcertion with the Royal family.

Meghan has been an astute admirer of public exposure, she likes to be heard, to be given the attention she yearns, to be famous. We could understand this from her voyage into modelling and the constant crave for reality shows. We know her stints in the TV channel E! Now, she couldn't stop at that, she needed more publicity, hence more fame.

Of course, the British royalty proved to be famous, very famous undoubtedly. So it provided her with what she yearns, so her marriage to Prince Harry was mere channel to feed on her earnest ego: to be royal and famous and to have a right to be named not only the wife of a royal prince but also the mother of a royal prince. What fame could be more?

Did she get all she desired? Did she get to be addressed as the wife of a prince, the mother of a successor to royalty? Did she get the obsession that drove and continues to drive her: of publicity, more publicity and fame?

Your appropriate responses to the above could give you the guide to understand my direction. Are you there? So let's presume that her discontent stems from her disappointment. But how was she disappointed, what are her disappointments?

Meghan could not enjoy the publicity and openness she desired and which she thought would naturally have been provided by the British royalty. The reason for this is obvious. As principle, Buckingham is usually not prone to exposure. Things about and from the palace are coordinated and regulated. Nobody makes public statements without permission. This is understandable, as the palace ordinary is in the public eyes and so needs to be cautious on even the most ordinary things.

Meghan saw this regimented lifestyle as too protecting and too restrictive of what she seeks. Indeed, it was a moment to start reconsidering.

Archie's birth was the striking knell that blew her disappointment. Archie is her first issue with Prince Harry. Probably she had thought that by virtue of been born to a prince, her son ought to enjoy the title of Prince. However that was not to be the case. Archie was not given any title, and rightly too. Meghan was disappointed, the second time and one so loudly.

Meghan said she was upset at the "idea of the first member of colour in this family not being titled in the same way that other grandchildren would be."

But that wasn't about what colour was Archie. There are protocols within the British royalty on naming princes and giving titles to offsprings. These protocols are recorded and have become norms from successive crowns, so it never started now, not because of Meghan and would not change now also, just because of Meghan.

The protocols to titles states that only children of the son of a royal who's positioned to royalty could be given titles. Here, the current Royal is Elizabeth II, and the son who's next in line to the throne is Prince Charles. As such only children of Prince Charles could be titled. Harry is titled as Duke of Sussex and William is titled as Duke of Cambridge because they are children of the next in line- Charles. Next in line to Prince Charles is his first son, Prince Williams, whose son deserves a title just because he follows a succeeding blood.

Now, Archie was born to Harry who's next after William and, failing the expectation of Meghan, was not titled. She picked offence, accusing the royal family of discrimination. But she could somehow have been right on this allegation if that has not been a codified tradition.

To win an unassuming sympathy for her quest to denigrate an institution that she felt disappointed at for denying her her utmost crave, she resorted to grandstanding blackmail, making use of the highly receptive and sensitive issue of racism. 

Who did she say questioned on the colour of Archie? Not the Queen, not Prince Phil, then who?

What made her fled the royal family if, according to her, the Queen was nice to her?

If her son was not titled, why did she have to make Harry, who ought to know the tradition and is also titled, to separate from his royal essence?

Talk about mental concerns, was Harry also within this complex? Was he in it before or after they came together?

Harry's concurrence to his wife, in asserting how unfriendly he has been with his father, what does it posit?

Truth be told, Meghan's influence on Harry has drawn him farther and away from basics principles that has shaped him and which he should know. He has wilfully allowed himself, visible shrouded by his submission to Meghan to rob him of reason. By so he became unknowingly involved in pulling up his root!

Just time will reveal if that was a right decision!


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