State of the Union and The Laughable Option

Nigeria presently is in a precipice, witnessing a heightened crises that find root as always in the existential fissure. The security challenges bedeviling it has plummeted, now it is no longer just Boko Haram terrorism, but banditry, widespread kidnapping, Fulani militancy and the emergence of UGM; all of this talking about and emphasizing one statement of how the Nigerian union isn't a real union in itself.

But in all, I find it sadly curious the suggestion that some past leaders of this country form a delegation to deliberate on current national issues and meet with President Muhammadu Buhari with the hope to resolving the brawl. They call them past leaders and elder statesmen.

The call was made by some elders, who sat and reached at a resolution that former Head of State, Yakubu Gowon should lead this mission.

My concern is on how feasible is there a break from the norm when selfsame people that plunged this nation into the shameful state it is now and who had the chance to bequeath a lasting and virile platform for growth but failed woefully are the ones obviously leading the journey to solution.

It is absurd and an admittance of how we are not ready to leave this dilemma nor to find lasting redemption to it.

How can one suggest past leaders to wit are Gowon, Abdulsalami, Babangida etc; particularly Gowon who himself had the obvious and unparalleled opportunity to right the history of this nation following the Aburi Accord but failed by obvious refusal, to be the ones correcting the logjam? Are we indeed serious to finding solution?

As much as I know, all these past Heads of State, past presidents, past governors, past leaders and whatever nomenclatures they could be referred to are the bulwark of this country's mess and you should expect less to find any walk-through in them.

When the country is really ready for a solution, we'll know by the rhythm of discussions that indicate so. For now, let's just watch and pray!


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