Concerns over Kanu's Absence in Court

The failure of the Department of State Service to provide Nnamdi Kanu in court for today's proceeding is beyond disappointing, obviously questionable. It once again bring to the fore the abysmal question whether the Muhammadu Buhari administration is ready at all to understand that Nigeria is presently in a democracy and be ready to give the rule of law the very deserving place.

Nigeria's democracy has oftentimes been put to question by the penchant disposition of the president who has shown no willingness to be democratic, even in the most pretentious form. The respect for the rule of law, which is a major and basic determinant of a virile democracy, has been so alien since the very beginning of this current administration.

President Buhari has not failed to show his dissent for what's constitutional and democratic. He blatantly disrespected th courts, not once, not twice. He has treated much of the concerns of most Nigerians with utter disdain and has recently begun the process of trying to gag the media- the fourth estate of the realm. It is really disheartening how we have gotten to this extent, as to be a mockery of what democracy should be.

And just today, the government of Buhari, with such nauseous audacity failed to provide Nnamdi Kanu, the very person it has a bunch of allegations on, to court. The accused in the last appearance in court- after he was spuriously hurried home from Kenya, was remanded in the custody of the DSS until the next sitting, which was on the 26th of July.

It was unfortunate that at the resumed sitting today, the accused was no where to be found as the DSS in whose custody he is, blatantly refused to present him to court to defend himself. 

How shameful and irresponsible can that be, that a custodian failed to provide the very person in their custody? 

How disregarding and very can the institution be in defying the Court's instruction that the defendant be brought to court on the said date?

And indeed how stifling can the DSS nay the anachronistic regime of Muhammad Buhari be in denying the defendant the right and opportunity to be in court to clear himself?

The failure of the DSS to provide Nnamdi Kanu in court, beyond the obvious human rights issues it has raised also calls for concerns as to the safety of the accused. So the drama of Kanu's safety plays on till October 21st? That would be ridiculous indeed!


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