Ahaa! Christmas is here again!🎄🎄🎄

We all know Christmas. It's not a new feel, and especially to the adults. Even among the children, it has become an occurrence which they have come to know; if not for as many times as uncountable definitely it's something that has been witnessed.

We could however spare the newly borns, like my little nephews of two, three, four years, Dike and Chuks, who understandably have not experienced the flair before going by the very reason that they were not opportune to be born in the previous memorabilia or lack of its grasp-they readily loose memory of it. Yes, for these, we could allow the benefits to be ecstatic, to be surprised, to be wild and to evince all sundry emotions that may swirl; it is their first. These emotions are quite expected, for man's wildness to phenomena unexperienced and unexpected.

Indeed, for the entire children, we could relax on the privilege to be super excited, to be physically fun-filled and thrilled. Oh! Oblige them, it's natural for their likes. But then to us, the adult, and on who it should not be relaxed for our maturity in reason, for our 'ought to know'... What does it tell? What should it evoke?

Christmas we have known very well for what it is; the rudiments for which it stands out have, for as the many times as we have experienced them, been reiterated to our understanding. It's been preached by clerics, expounded by the media and highlighted by friends as the period when the very essence of Christendom is celebrated; that time when the whole importance of the human value is clearly expressed. We have come to know, even without being reminded, that Christmas is the commemoration of the suggested birth of Jesus Christ, the lord of the Christians.

In the roaring knowledge for which many pride to have of the meaning of this period, it is rather incredulous that not these many have, in equal measure of their knowledge of Xmas, come to express a full grasp of what they claim to know; the very reason for the season. The number falls woefully as to how many of us really understand the very crux of this Christmas that has become a very important figment of our living.

Nevertheless, we will seek well to appreciate the deep, ethereal significance of this annual ritual. And this is the reason: Emmanuel; that God's presence has come to us through the Messiah's birth. It is that the God of glory and holiness has now become one of us and come to live among us. That the eternal Word through whom God created the world has come to be part of our history. This is the incredible paradox of the great and merciful God; this is the greatest gift of God: the gift of His only Christmas.

The christmas has come again, and unlike its effect on the kids, who are frenzied at it for the new clothes, shoes, the lighting beads and other newbies it provides, we should not see it just as another period to go gaga on vanishing things of life. The Christmas should not get us so excited just on ephemeral things; instead, the discerning adults must rather be frenzied for the new opportunity it affords to touch lives and truly show our humanity in being our brothers' keepers.

Hence, during this period we are admonished to revel in the reconciliation, which God, by the birth of the Messiah has graciously availed to us by fully partaking of and sharing the very essence of the grace of the season.

We must, as a duty, reach out to as many as we can; to touch their lives in the specific ways we can. We must strive during this moment to restore broken relationships just as Christ's birth signifies the reconciliation of God with man. We should reach out also to the needy, the hungry and the hapless around us, who this present economic conundrum ravaging our nation is obviously overbearing on; we must provide them succour, we must give them hope and we must inspire in them the joy which the Messiah's birth brings. This is the very core reason of the season.

This Christmas, therefore, provides us with another ample opportunity to effectively reflect the essence and value of the celebration, one that has got us so excited and frenzied. We must not be overtaken by the euphoria to lose sight of what the presence of God in the birth of his son firmly offers us. We should be really frenzied in lighting up hearts and lightening away burdens. For by it and in it and through it we have a truly fulfilling and a... Merry Xmas🎄🎄


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