A New Age, A New Day, A New Horizon

"The older you get, the better you get, unless you are a banana." -Betty White

Life is a privilege manifested very well in the opportunity of the new dawn. Each day is a prove of the graciousness availed by the privilege of life, and so is a year, which by itself is a conglomeration of days.

Today, I'll talk about the beauty, the opportunities and the privileges of life. Yes, I feel like talking about them because of the life I see and have. Because today, by my birthing memorial, a new age is counted for me. It is in such that, to me, this topic is strategic, even as it is to everyone-in as much we live and appreciate what living opportunities that are in birthdays.
Ahanonu Kingsley
Life's beautiful, especially when the opportunities and privileges it affords are better and more appropriately appreciated. The gift of life is the cardinal privilege from the almighty and as far as consciously, the greatest gift of man. Life's the central focus of existence, it draws forth everything to man. Without it, nothing is and everything ceases.

The importance of life cannot be overemphasized, especially when we realize that all that man is, all that he's achieved, all for which he's praised and held in high esteem is nothing without life. Life is everything and everything revolves around it. All that man commits, all that he pursues are geared towards sustaining life, even as more importantly, all of them depends and find meaning only in life.

That is to say our waking up everyday and pursuing daily struggles, our fight over resources, our exploration of vast opportunities, our descent to over-ambitiousness and all sundry are consequent upon the availability of life and subsequently for the preservation/sustenance of same. In all, life is the definer and focus of existence.

As we wake up each day, as we add new age, we're very overtly presented with the freshness of life and the opportunities it affords us. We see the new horizons it opens forth, we appreciate its myriads of new possibilities, we feel its new excitements: to better self, touch lives and transform society. And we appreciate how very much indeed that life is a great privilege.

The call, therefore, is for us to appreciate the privilege of life made understandable by every new dawn and more obviously at each new age. As we recognize it, it behoves on us to catch in on the vastness it affords us to step into new horizons, discover hidden possibilities, extending borders and marking out new victories.

Indeed, the more conscious we are to grab the unraveling possibilities of every new lease of life, the more we appreciate what a beautiful privilege we've got in LIFE.

Permit me to take the privilege to wish myself "A more prosperous new age!"


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