Your Value: It Must Not Only Be, It Must Be Seen To Be

TODAY, I would be talking on perception and how very necessary it is in the assertion of true values, especially as concerns human relationships.

This is because, many relationships have nosedived not because of the failure of one or the other but due to the lacuna in appreciating what goodness, what noble thought lies just behind the intent.

It is a failure, albeit, not taken to heart that's led to an understanding of indifference, of the fear that it does not exist, just because it's not seen.

But perception is what suggests reality. It is the view of existence. Perception says that until something is seen, that does not exist. True or not true, but that is what perception asserts.

Perception could be said to be the critical thing in so far as observation is concerned. It is what people are fed that they would be able to perceive, and it is what they perceive that they assume to be.

This is the very reason an act aside been must be said to be, for if an intent is denied the perceptibility, it ends up unappreciated, at best misunderstood.

For the individual therefore to prove the value of his intent, he must bring same to appreciable light. Whether good or bad, what is seen is what is received and subsequently believed.

So, if you love me, let me know and believe it (Lol). If you care for anyone, let them see it in your action, if you have anything you wish to transmit, do same with a humble showing.

If you've got passions, show them out, if you've got nice views, ideas, innovations, express them. If there's anything you have to reflect, assert them. That way, it is better appreciated and made more valuable.

Yes, until it is seen, it is not-esse est percipi. It doesn't matter how you see it, but if it is not perceived, it does not exist. The more reason, IT MUST BE AND BE SEEN TO BE!


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