Lawmakers Defection. The Flight For Interest

32 House of Representatives members and 15 Senators jumped ship in political party affiliation yesterday. And as expected, so much has been said about this defection of lawmakers from the ruling party. Enough furore has been generated since the action went public.

But the question I ask is: was this action not expected?

The action that took place within the floors of the two chambers yesterday is merely an outcome of the silent noises of bickering over dissatisfaction that played out within the ruling APC. It's merely a political event, not new in this clime, not new to APC.

The skirmishes within the ruling party had long been envisaged even right from the beginning of this administration. What many will posit as the crack was just a culmination of the infractions within the ranks and files.  The defection is just a breaking of the camel's back.

Here,  I will state that the ruling party failed in managing its house;  in not containing the discontentment when the signs were yet fresh. The heated water has started bubbling, but Adams Oshiomhole seems, by his believe to upholding discipline, to be just overheating the bubbles.

Adams ought to know that when the deed has been done, there's no need appearing tough and sounding loosed. Whether or not he looses sleep shouldn't have been said with such pride. The point is that he should know that he needs to be worried over the developments.

But beyond the defection, let's look at the germaine reason for it.

Personally,  I think the real motive is INTEREST. As usual,  the emotions of Nigerians appeared to be flared to take sides with the shenanigans as against maintaining their resolve to true democracy. The people,  who so far have defected,  felt that for the reason that their political future are been threatened, they ought to leave.

My take yet remains for the people elected to our service to govern with sense of duty and accountability. They must not let party politics derail our expectations of them. Yes, as politicians they reserve the right to their game. But they should do so in context. Wether they defect to and fro,  they should not loose sight of the core mandate for which they were elected.

I do not subscribe to a situation where for motives flamed by personal and selfish interest the national cooking pot is upturned and the meal disrupted. The National Assembly is a cauldron for national affairs and not where selfish ambitions are brandished.

Whether the defection is to APC or back to PDP, it is akin to a circular rolling. Both are same save in nomenclature; it's more like the difference between the ram and the sheep. So, for the time being, we must as Nigerians continue our demand for true democracy.

Nigeria.: It is not yet uhuru.


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