The Powers Of Influence & Peers (1)

Anything or anybody that has that power, whether subtle or overt, to cause you to have a swing, to change your conduct and mindset has an influence on you.

It takes your influence just a matter of time and acquiescence for it to transform your worldview and thinking in such a manner that you begin to imagine whether it was such a powerful force that coerced you all along. 

But what we must not fail to realise is that influence comes with such a power and control.  The power of influence, as against the character of physical coercion, is conferred by the two factors of time and contact.       

Time, again and again, has been proven to be the most potent force in the world. Slow a race, insofar it is steady, with time will win. Its assurance and power of winning is from TIME.  A day, long and bothersome, which seems not to end, eventually would give way to the darkness of the night. This assurance too is a value of TIME. The child today, who is a boy, a girl, a toddler, would grow up to become a man, a woman, an adult. It's a matter of TIME.
But what is time? Generally, time is that element that defines duration and length of the occurrence of an action or event. Time is a factor of waiting and patience.
The consciousness of the power of patience, of waiting, is the defining strength of influence. It's just like influence saying, if I could just be patient and waiting for it, with time I shall conquer.

How true could such assertion be? It is just the truth that is as sure as the continuity of such influence to the acceptance by the object of influence. Just as the rains wears off the texture of the surface of a strong mountain, with time and consistency, so does influence prevails, digging deep and inside.

2. What's Contact?  

Contact defines the closeness of an element to another, it shows how substances are connected. In the law of influence, the closer one is to another, the better they are to exchange views and values.  

Contact removes the space that exists between surfaces and cause the appreciation of the others textural qualities, like feeling. You can only appreciate whether something is soft, strong or rough by touching. So also are emotions, psychology and mental attributes better felt when contact is close.  This is to say you feel one emotionally better, have a stronger reasoning with and understand others better when you are close.
Generally, we see that Time & Contact are the forces that stand out influence. They're the muscles and bones that make a silent, unassuming element such a powerful force.

[To be continued]


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