Our Fallen Soldiers, May Their Memories Be Blessed

Today, is 15th January, the Nigerian Armed Forces Remembrance Day.

And today, I remember, and very specially too, all the fallen heroes who laid down their lives for the safety and betterment of this country. We do not always find the time to accord them the desired appreciation. Today offers such rare opportunity. 

And so, today, I call to mind the gallant men and women of the Nigeria Armed Forces who showed bravery and unparalleled patriotism to fatherland, even to the point of paying the supreme sacrifice.

This day provides the opportunity for me to celebrate the lives and memories of all those who through one means or the other,  but who for the ultimate course to defend our nation and protect her citizenry from the threat to safety, paid the supreme price. They suffered pains, sundry inconveniences and yes, death.

Today, I remember those slain in the course of fighting the over 3 years civil war.  I remember those who died in the course of fighting the huge modern monster of Boko Haram insurgency still plaguing our collective security. And even those who died in peacekeeping missions abroad. 

I remember those men and women officers who lost their lives through unspoken yet obvious means. They are our gallant soldiers and they remain our heroes past. 

May their sacrifices never go unrewarded. May their loved ones find deep solace!!


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