
Showing posts from November, 2019

3 men declared innocent after 36yrs behind bar

Three men given life sentences for killing a high schoolstudent in the United States have been declared not guilty of the charges after spending 36years behind bar. Alfred Chestnut, Andrew Stewart and Ransom Watkins were serving life sentences for the shooting of DeWitt Duckett, a 14-year-old student at Harlem Park Junior High School in West Baltimore. They were aged 16. The Baltimore City state attorney found that there was error in the initial police report that led to their conviction. This conclusion came after a joint investigation that later found that the trio were innocent. The state attorney added that the convicted innocent men needed to be apologized to. He opined that beyond apologies, they deserve to be compensated, and that he'll fight to make sure they are given it.

Pleasure Marriage: Iraqis Booming Trade

Iraq is a highly Islamic nation under the leadership of highly recognized spiritual Ayatollah. But beaming daily in also a highly secretive conspiracy are actions that should make the religious mind quease. Sex trade in the pseudo of pleasure marriage. Pleasure marriage is Iraqis prowl by sex hungry men for young girls, sometimes who could be their granddaughters. It involves a kind of contract verbally made and orchestrated by a cleric, given out young teenagers aged between 11-15 to men outside their parents' consent, to be temporarily married. This happens just easily and without any stress, save for the pay. It could be contracted over the phone, where all that is required of the brainwashed girl is just a directed consent. This temporary 'marriage' could be as temporary as just for a day. Most of these girls are virgins and are made to believe the cleric that what they are doing amounts to nothing sinful or evil. Most of whom are later left in devastating and ru

Gov Ayade Presents 2020 Budget of Olipotic Meristemasis

The governor of Cross River State has continued to wow Nigerians with his high-sounding grammar, this time around giving it a connection to fiscal matter. The professor governor threw up the vibe of his grammar during the year 2020 budget presentation at the chamber of the state house of assembly. Prof Ayade termed the budget 'The Budget of Olipotic Meristemasis', drawing it from the resolve that the budget would be instrumental towards spearheading the growth and development of the young state. 1.9billion was earmarked for the year 2020 fiscal year, with over 911bn representing 83 percent going for capital expenditure and just 188bn represnting 17 percent of the budget given to recurrent spending. According to the governor this ratio is in continuation of his desire to commit more to infrastructure and physical development.

Davido: Ogundamisi's Voice of Reason

Some days past the social media was awash with frenzy involving two sisters and hip hop star Davido, where the former alleged the later impregnated one of them. The incident, which the two sisters had described moments later as just prank, seemed to have gone beyond the joke it was claimed to be especially as it got between the duo of Kayode Ogundamisi and the subject of focus, David Adeleke alias Davido. But then, what even brought about Ogundamisi's involvement in the first place? Was his name ever mentioned in the initial bric-a-brac of pregnancy or no pregnancy? Were the two ladies involved in a way related to him? What on earth would have drove him into the case to become the very object of seriousness in an issue given the primal claime to be mere prank? These as some sideways questions an onlooker just getting to know of the issue may ask. On getting wind of the 'prank', Davido didn't think of it lightly as the accusing sisters would later try to have him