Pleasure Marriage: Iraqis Booming Trade

Iraq is a highly Islamic nation under the leadership of highly recognized spiritual Ayatollah. But beaming daily in also a highly secretive conspiracy are actions that should make the religious mind quease. Sex trade in the pseudo of pleasure marriage.

Pleasure marriage is Iraqis prowl by sex hungry men for young girls, sometimes who could be their granddaughters. It involves a kind of contract verbally made and orchestrated by a cleric, given out young teenagers aged between 11-15 to men outside their parents' consent, to be temporarily married.

This happens just easily and without any stress, save for the pay. It could be contracted over the phone, where all that is required of the brainwashed girl is just a directed consent. This temporary 'marriage' could be as temporary as just for a day.

Most of these girls are virgins and are made to believe the cleric that what they are doing amounts to nothing sinful or evil. Most of whom are later left in devastating and ruinous states after the male clients have gotten their desire.

According to a BBC Arabic reporter, who had done an undercover investigation to unravel this booming trade, pleasure marriage in Iraq is done under sophisticated religious cover with the government absolutely unawares or doing nothing about it.



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