Davido: Ogundamisi's Voice of Reason

Some days past the social media was awash with frenzy involving two sisters and hip hop star Davido, where the former alleged the later impregnated one of them. The incident, which the two sisters had described moments later as just prank, seemed to have gone beyond the joke it was claimed to be especially as it got between the duo of Kayode Ogundamisi and the subject of focus, David Adeleke alias Davido.

But then, what even brought about Ogundamisi's involvement in the first place? Was his name ever mentioned in the initial bric-a-brac of pregnancy or no pregnancy? Were the two ladies involved in a way related to him? What on earth would have drove him into the case to become the very object of seriousness in an issue given the primal claime to be mere prank? These as some sideways questions an onlooker just getting to know of the issue may ask.

On getting wind of the 'prank', Davido didn't think of it lightly as the accusing sisters would later try to have him believe. He quickly asked that they be found and brought to him, giving it a force with a million naira bounty placement. Davido was out not only to prove his innocence, but to do so angrily by teaching his accusers a somewhat hard lesson. To say it in another way, the 'blow my mind' crooner vehemently took it upon himself to  prosecute his accusers.

But was he right or was he wrong? Obviously, Mr Kayode by his sarcastic tweets was letting the younger Adeleke know that he was blatantly wrong to have taken it upon himself to act the law. This is Ogundamisi's involvement; one which cursorily, would be seen to be coming from the angle of advocacy for human dignity and defense of human rights- in speaking out for the victims and challenging the misnomer.

In ordering for their arrest (and maybe to deal with them), David spuriously took laws into his hands. If he felt offended and slandered by such unfounded allegations, the accused should have found reprieve in the appropriate quarters- as is norm. Methink that's the point Kayode wanted the man he has become unwittingly drawn into a fight with to know. But unfortunately, he got himself into disparaging limelight for the point he made was misunderstood by the one he had meant it for.

Davido misunderstood Ogundamisi's innocuous point and thereby mishot. In shooting wrongly, he attacked the person, status and dignity of Kayode Ogundamisi, without making focus to the point the gentleman raised. For whatever reason he did so, it was uncouth and brazenly dishonourable for a personality as Davido who has many people looking up to him to go down so low to insult and disparage an elder and very strongly one who meant no harm. It was denigrating and indeed unstar-like (is there such word?).

If Davido is cheered and allowed to go away with this, it definitely is sending a clearly wrong signal: that when wealth and affluence are involved, decency, respect for dignity should hit the rock. It's painfully true that our generation is in the nosedive to growing senselessness, where wealth is adored more than virtue and the respect for values falters in the face of money. But we must stand up and save this ship before it terminally crashes. It is to say that David's counter-attacks on Kayode were misplaced, unwarranted and highly disparaging of not only the object but himself.

Ogundamisi did nothing obviously to deserve the inappropriate references.
The writer is an enthusiast of Davido, as much as he likes his musics and appreciate his artistry. (This is pertinent so he's not misconstrued and to ensure that if it will take a fan to add to Ogundamisi's voice of reason to call this young music star to order, so be it). Howbeit this writer restates that Davido was wrong to have ordered the arrest and to have called out on Kayode, at least to ensure that right prevails always irrespective of who is involved as not to bolster the wrong impression that wealth should trump value.

The Nigerian law is very clear about issues as concerning the one Davido found himself; he has the expansive space to seek for redress, first at least by making formal report to the law enforcement agencies. Davido as at last check is a private individual devoid of such powers as to take laws into his hands. Doing the right thing is not a question of whether you are here or there, it ought to be a mandate regardless of what and who one is.


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