Stem the Tide of Kidnapping, Kill'Em All

With the many incidences of reported deaths by kidnappers and in the hands of kidnappers, one among many key questions could be on what best way possible to stem the tide. What should be done about kidnappers?

For me, I think it's to kill them. Reason: for the very fact that the victims of kidnapping are sometimes killed, it suggests an assumptive conclusion that whoever that's kidnapped has a great likelihood of been murdered.

The law is a respecter of nobody, or so it should be. And justice is not swayed by swirling emotions or sentiments. For to it, that which a man has decided to sow, should equanimously be what he reaps. That's to say, in a more strict term, justice serves a tooth for a tooth, a tit for a tat.

It's principally for the above, and following logical direction, that I suggest a summary execution of criminals of kidnapping nature, whether it be for ransom, for outright terrorist invocation. The imposition of such equanimous penalty would impress a thoughtful review in intending abductor-criminals.

Secondly, it is that the action of these elements has set a situation of dreariness and unimagined fears. People are being killed with such recklessness and families set in such high beat of trauma. This is wicked and evil, deserving of rebuke.

The credible rebuke is to kill them as well. Our slow legal processes that has seen a dillydallying of prosecution of criminal offences as heinous as kidnapping has not placed a sanction heavy as necessary to deter the replications and blossoming of this evil trade. Because there's this feeling that nothing happens, at most immediately for kidnappers, others are spurred and even with incensed audacity.

This audaciousness given this crime has seen people being killed carelessly in a manner very clear of one crime leading to a more evil crime. To stem the tide of kidnappings and the attendant incidents that sometimes come with them, there should be a renewed system that guarantee the speedy adjucation of such cases that would impose the pains of death on convicted elements.

That would be a justified tit-for-tat reward that would not only serve as deterrent to others but stem this evil cyclone spreading fears, trauma and death to so many Nigerians. The lives that they waste on daily basis are ones so precious that they cannot provide. So, let'em pay with their lives!


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