Canoeing: How leisure is created afloat

If there's one recreational activity that brings you close to nature, and exposes you to the untrammeled vicinity of the environment and its wide and open space of just air, water and sky. It's canoeing.


Paddling in the canoe, one experiences the hilarity of the water body through which the journey is made. Yes, it is a journey, but also a sport; more like an adventure that you neither could place it as an everyday engagement or an exercising activity.

However, the truth of the matter is that canoeing is both a normal activity as well as an exercising one; the reason it falls in the description of a leisure game! But then, how do you journey through the wavy water and still describe it as recreational?

For some, it is difficult to be paddled through the sea for an important venture and very unthinkable to paddle through for just fun. The jinx breaker for this incredulity is to first understand that the canoe is configured in such a way as to float on water- yes, even with weight as heavy as you are!

Canoe Architecture

Canoes come in different sizes, shapes and colours. But one thing that defines expressly these differences is in the slim, tapering design with an open top. The canoe has a bow front and gunwale that extend around the body. Its cruise-like shape basically gives it a buoyancy that makes it easily floatable. Buoyancy tells us that for the canoe to be able to float, the weight of water that it displaces must be equal to the weight of the boat. That theory of course is better explained in Physics.

Canoeing as recreational

The second is to appreciate that canoeing itself can be recreational if one chooses to make it be. Yes very recreational, for it affords one the chance to feel, to know and to appreciate nature just as it is.

How to paddle

The third is to understand how this nature appreciation can be possible. Of course, to do this, one requires the basic knowledge of staying in the canoe and causing it to float atop sea. That's an art called paddling. To cause the canoe to float atop sea, in such seamless manner that guarantees the relaxation of leisure, you must be able to paddle and consciously guide the canoe.

Learning to paddle a canoe can take some time, anyways. But when the learning has become a process to be identified with, it becomes such friendly activity to cruise through swathes of wavy water just for fun. Isn't that enough compensation for the days of learning?

1. The first act to learn is how to sit comfortably in the canoe. It is important you gently sit down at the bottom as you get into the canoe to stabilize the rocky boat, for it's noticed that as you step into the canoe, it shakes. When stable, you can then sit at the stern (back) as to maintain as much as possible the lowest centre of gravity.

2. When comfortably seated at the stern, with the paddle in hand, position it at the front so as to be able to steer the boat.

3. Hold the paddle with one hand up and the other hand just some feet below. Your hold must be gripping.

4. Begin your stroke. First start by bending your torso so that your shoulder side close to the water bends forward.

5. Then move out the paddle forward and submerge a reasonable portion of the blade into the water.

6. Pull back the paddle towards you, moving the submerged blade so that it's perpendicular to the boat as you stroke.

7. Once the blade reaches your hip, seize applying your muscle power. Restart the paddling motion at your hip.

8. Switch the side of the paddle on every stroke, to ensure that the canoe maintains a straight movement.

Be part of the process

While paddling, you must endeavour to atune both your mind and body with the wind blowing to enjoy the process. Your attention must be given to the process to be able to enjoy the leisure this activity offers. 

Muscle discipline is important as you would not want to experience a sore at the back after the process. The reason you have to ensure that the correct muscles of your body, instead of the back's, perform the processes involved in holding and stroking the paddle.

Can you try it out? Canoe at a close beach and come gist me the experience!


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