Dis Life Na Jeje!

When I was a lil kid, not knowing how to use the pen and pencil but had to barely scribble just with chalk. I admired the pen, liked to use it the same way my older siblings did.

I had looked at my dad, not cool with the inequanimity. I craved for the pen to write on script, asking him to give me that I wanted using it too.

My father looked at me with that patting smile. I knew he loved me and he'd have given me if I needed it.

But guess what he told me. He said, when it's ripe the time to handle the pen over the paper, you'd not need ask me. Seamlessly, it'll be provided for you.

And truth to my dad's words, I have watched the reality of life unfold as I grow, widely and more impressively.

I have not only written with the pen, I do always and have continued to always put pen to paper in such a professional way as a #Writer, #Author & #Blogger!  The point is that that thing I craved for, I've become so used to it to exhaustion.

The reality of life is just the manifestation of what has been planned beyond to be. The responsibility of man is to consciously walk through the design by a committed preparedness and a deep understanding of the events of time.

Yes, make hay while the sun shine is a truism that must be appreciated bearing in mind that indeed the sun cannot be pushed over before and beyond its time. But the human must be consciously prepared to make do of its best provision when it shows.



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