Nobel Peace Prize: Applauding The WFP

The 2020 NOBEL PEACE PRIZE chose to celebrate the effort to ensuring peace through the fight against hunger the 2020 Committee of the Nobel Prize found it worthy to award this year's Nobel Peace prize to the World Food Program (WFP)!

I am not in the least elated for this recognition and honour, for they're well deserving and very highly appropriate, especially in the very reality that has been unraveled by the global pandemic of the corona virus.

The WFP, an institution of the United Nations, has been committed to fighting hunger and through the efforts of food distribution, reaching out to the vulnerable and those exposed to hunger and starvation especially in war-torn countries of the world.

It is worrisome to know that millions of people affected by one way or the other in crisis-ridden areas are subjected to the pangs of hunger in our present world. The story coming out from Yemen, Syria, South Sudan, Somalia and Nigeria, of people displayed, fighting for their lives and hounded by insecurity and hunger is something that should raise a chagrin concern.

A rather new revelation brought to me by the reeled rationale behind the WFP recognition and which heavily startled me is the postulation that 1 out of 11 people in the universe are gripped by hunger. It shook my stability and brought me from my comfort fill to realize how it is that people are suffering and to appreciate the efforts of WFP and other organisations and individuals, who have committed themselves to fighting and ending hunger.

The award of this honour, one very reputable, to WFP has succeeded in bringing me much deeper to the understanding of the challenge faced by almost one-tenth of the human population. It's exposed how greatly a challenge it is and to an equally greater extent has buoyed in me a desire to commit to ending world hunger.

It is said that an angry man is first of all a hungry man. This critically explains the role of the stomach in engendering peace. Here, the very statements of the Committee as to the conviction in selecting the food organization speaks volume:

I'm therefore not surprised that the WFP won. In reality, the WFP recognition is a celebration of the little and large commitments of individuals, groups and organizations towards eradicating hunger!

The award does no less in spurring charitable efforts aimed at bettering lives, lifting people from hunger, relieving them of the vulnerability to be used for war and through it promoting peace.

Kudos to the World Food Program and to all the people committing through their means to the effort of ending hunger. Congratulations for this prize!


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