Trump haunted by his failure

Reports have it that the United States President Donald Trump and his wife, Melania are down with the Coronavirus. Both have been quarantined and receiving treatments. 

It's unfortunate, but a really sordid prove of his foolhardiness!

Consistently defying Covid-19 safety protocols and flagrantly refusing to wear face mask even against professional medical advice, thereby setting a bad precedence to his countrymen, Donald Trump has contracted the coronavirus.

Donald Trump, who initially in the early wave of the pandemic, downplayed the seriousness of the disease has been forced to swallow his ignorance that consistently fanned his rather weak gusto of the denial of reality. The delayed management of the disease caused the deaths of dozens of thousands of Americans.

And while the virus rampaged along, bringing down millions of Americans down and as the death toll rose, Donald Trump fiddled along, dancing amidst the confusion of denial and engaging the people in openly crowded campaigns without recourse to the simple yet necessary precautions of wearing masks and observing social distancing!

Quickly, he has been proven. He has whether wittingly or inadvertently led so many to contract the disease obviously by his failure of leadership.

His contracting of the virus, as against eliciting excitement, should teach him a lesson; the lesson that everything is not about mundane ideology and trivial sentiments.

The world is ravaged by the flying pandemic and the least thing world leaders could do is to trivialize it. The action must be decisive and upfront to deal with the trauma. And Donald Trump as the president of the United States must take a lead.


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