Shouldn't Trump Realize It's Over?

 The Election Is Over, Concession Is Now!

Donald Trump and every fanatical supporter of his, who sees absolutely nothing wrong but wholly good with him, must realize that power belongs to God and that he vests it on whomsoever he wills.

The majority of the people of America have spoken as regards who they want to lead them from now on! And that person is the candidate of the Democratic Party, Joe Biden!

Could Donald J Trump respect that wish with the decency that he yet has? Could his supporters help him do so if he, out of the probable trauma, fails to so do?

POTUS isn't life neither is it the end of it! This is what President Trump must realize. As such, he must understand the emerging reality to make the needed concession to defeat rather than heating up the polity and smirching a long trusted system.

But the truth be and which must be strictly stated is that the American system respects nobody more than the commitment to protect its institution. Hence, whether or not Donald Trump listens to good conscience and respect the clear writing of events, by midday of January 20, he'd definitely have lost the spice and attachments of the US presidency as attention seamlessly and graciously make a shift to the winner.

Therefore, it's advisable he leaves with his honour than to be disgraced like his predecessor, Pres. John Adams in 1801.


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