US Presidential Election 2020: My Responses

The United States 2020 presidential election has come and gone, even as the winner is yet to be known. The lingered process has continued to generate streams of reactions for and against the process itself and the contenders.

Below are just some of my ripostes to some of these reactions, which are mostly Facebook posts.

To Femi Fani-Kayode

Why do you always sound defeatist as evident in your pouring of tantrums when things seem not to work according to your prediction. You're human and your opinions are not sacred and certain. They are what they are, opinions.

In 2016, you had predicted and supported a Trump win and it did happen so. You felt fly, maybe as a true prophet. We who supported Hillary and supported her emergence, took the result, shook our feet and moved on. It wasn't a life battle!

Your coming now to pour invective and make mess of the opinions of people supporting the one you hate is ridiculous and smacks of a personality who's unidirectional, and who feels he cannot be wrong. Please, stop this attitude, it's beyond senseless, very evil.

Your 2020 prediction for the US presidency has failed, very obviously, and you must learn to accept it for the prediction it is and move on, the same way we did in 2016!

Whether you detest abortion rights, or same-sex civil union is an opinion you carry and which has no basis on the American people. The people of the US, who it concerns have expressed their wish regardless of the supposed agenda of Joe Biden. To have voted him means they are cool with his vision for them. And besides, these are legislative framework that have been approved and sanctioned by the US supreme court.

Take the emerging reality in good faith and learn to be a good 'looser'!

My riposte to Nwokocha Andrew

Who voted Biden? Americans. Who are Americans? They are the most forward-looking people in the world, who believe strongly in the human rights to self-express. One of their greatest symbol of time is the statue of Liberty! Joe Biden was not the proponent of Same-sex or abortion in America, but the american system in its bid to recognize and respect the rights of every aspect of its citizens. Recognition of abortion and same sex rights are legislative and judicial processes that went up to the supreme court to be sanctioned!

America is not Nigeria, where we have suppressive administrations that claim to be democratic and religious, yet committing the worst evil. In your so-called religiousness, you have blinded reason and imposed an anti-libertarian law that forces people to practice their predilections in covert seclusion. There are  same-sex affiliations here and there will continue to be, whether or not the system suppresses them.

You guys want to be like America, but you don't want freedom of ideas, opinions and expression that propels its growth, in the name of been religious. Evil Religious Backward People!

My riposte to Chidera Odego

Chidera Odego Who's in power? Trump. And you believe Trump, as loquacious as he is can be defrauded? It's obvious you don't understand the American system and why it's referred to as the model of democracy.

I repeat, God gives whomever he wills the power and he doesn't do so based on how you or any human thinks.

When Trump won Hillary even when she had the more popular votes, it wasn't fraud? But I believed God wanted Trump and that was why he won.

And why is it difficult for you and your kind to accept it now? Blinding Fanaticism, I think!

My riposte to FFK

Donald Trump and every fanatical supporter of his, who sees absolutely nothing wrong but wholly good with him, must realize that power belongs to God and that he vests it on whomsoever he wills.

The majority of the people of America has spoken, could Donald J Trump respect that wish with the decency he yet has? Could his supporters help him do so if he, out of the probable trauma, fail to so do?

POTUS isn't life neither is it the end!


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