Pantami: The Infiltration of Terrorism in Governance

It is no news that there's a serving minister in the executive chamber of the current administration that's in the terror watchlist of the United States government.

Honourable(?) Isa Pantami -you decide, for as I'm concerned, I decide not- the minister in charge of Technology and Digital Economy was named to be linked to terrorist organization by the Central Intelligence of the United States.

And this news should get you worried.

We have heard it been said by then President Goodluck Jonathan of the presence of collaborators of terrorists in government, but I had never thought it to be a reality as real as having an executive member of government, who presides over a sensitive ministry as Digital Technology and who sits right in the forum where the running decisions of government are taken.

It was indeed shocking and very terrifying for me to get wind of this. It reeks in me a delirious ponder and feeling of forebodings. What has happened in this country has been so devastating, what's happening presents a seething discomfort and now we may also need to hover around the discomfiture and restlessness the unknown future presents.

The government of President Muhammadu Buhari, gradually has evolved to become the government of a nepotistic and sectional appellation, bringing into view the fear and concerns of many. If Buhari could deny such suggestion, at least his nonchalant disposition to the shuttling marauding of his Fulani killer herdsmen, more than gives effect to it, emboldens the killer agents to do more- without remorse.

Worse still, the consistent disregard for competence in picking round pegs for round holes and the insistence to fill such with his people in obvious indication as though he wants to reward his people by populating them in government continues to fuel the fear as to what's the mission of the Buhari-led government and its trajectory for this country.

If we could be complacent in the face of the nepotistic saturation of the organs of government by incompetent kinsmen and allies. Could we be that complacent when the scenario is that terrorists sympathizers are given chance to running the government? How much more gravely implications do we need to reflect when terrorists take over critical institutions of government and take part in the decision-making process of national governance?

How atrocious have we got in this country peopled by vibrant, passionate and intelligent folks to be ruled by professed Salafists and petty terrorists?

Why should it be the US opening the can for us, when we have supposed agencies that could have prevented the sneak in. And to say that Pantami went through the security checks by DSS and the screening by the Senate of 109 members beats me to wonder if indeed we have capable institutions or just institutions infiltrated by and pandering to terrorist-elements.

Every sector of this country just seemed to be percolated by the influence of those who do not wish us well. The Finance/Economy. Export/Import regulators, Information/Intelligence and Security all just tinker to their influence. Obviously. It will be just a matter of time and we star seeing their representations. The executive, the security paraphernalia, have become bared to terrorists. For they have been exposed to have eyes and ears receiving sensitive intels to feed their warlords.

It's no wonder how things keep degenerating here. Oh, tears fill my eyes. How are we this doomed?

It is that terrible!



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