Cloned Buhari: The President Should Put Paid To This

The trending speculation about the cloning of Mr President is one saga, which I have carefully tried not to comment, chiefly because of the obvious incredulity. But then, the consistency of the idea and the puerile handling of the manner which both have made it discomforting seemed to have questioned my careful silence. 
It sounds ridiculous and by far insulting to even try to make me believe that I am been governed by a clone, it is even more demeaning to posit to Nigerians, the most powerful and most populous of the black nations on earth that the affairs of their country is been administered by a foreigner, and worse still a foreign clone. 

Wherever such insinuation is coming from should please stay there, or more appropriately should be pushed to stay back. Our gullibility, admitted we've been so long taken for ride, has not gotten so low and cheap.

For goodness sake, even as much as people could be mischievous, would it be so degenerating to the extent of callous insensitivity and diabolism? Whoever came up with this assumption is evil and insensitive- to the right to life of the person referred to as cloned and to the feeling of the good majority of the people of this country, respectively.

The credence to this theory of a Buhari double has been based on some seemingly observed disparities between the known Buhari and the cloned one. The speculators and traducers had hinged on differences in the facial features, the ear lobes and the palmistry as the pointers to their claims;  even as though these differences as yet remain to be seen.

This claim is further buoyed by their proof of the cognitive inebriation of the Yusuf-turned Buhari. (Is it Yusuf or Jibril?) For them, since Yusuf-turned Buhari is not the original Buhari, truly he can't vividly recognise and more greatly remember what he did. They'd reinforced this with the supposition that the president, cloned as we have him now, cannot speak the native fulfude, which has been his tongue.

Of all the anchors that have boosted this nasty and insensitive assumption is the disturbing silence or rather, the indiscretial discreetness of the president and his handlers on the issue.

Right from the onset, wherein the president in his ill health was flown abroad for medical attention, the presidency goofed and by such had provided the fertile ground for speculations. It's therefore not surprising that this one came on.

What could possibly explain the fact that the health situation of the president of Nigeria was shrouded in secrecy? For a people so enlightened and by extension,  desiring of explanation for all that concerns their affairs and which they have stake on, their curiosity if not properly fed would lead them to a prodding excavation, no matter how improper.

The presidency in providing the landscape for the possibility of "a Yusuf al-Sudani replacing our Buhari", who apparently did not survive his medical tourism in London by their insensibility in feeding the curiosity of the nation with the president health condition has continued to feed that with their cold handling of the speculation.

And as it is obvious, the lacuna this unwise silence has provided is continually fed daily by tales of new "proofs to support the claim". And more diabolic and insulting "proofs" are bound to surface, which are bound to further internationalise the ridicule if this unwelcoming silence by the president and the presidency continues.

But in all this, and very carefully, it is time for President Muhammadu Buhari to address the nation on this insult to our collective sensitivity as a national before it degenerates to a generally accepted disturbance. It would not pay us as a people and a country!


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