DSS: Chastise this Impunity, Relieve the DG

Each day, the gains of our democratic journey as a people and nation continue to dwindle, it just seems. For those elements that obviously define true democracies seem to be cudgeled with such appalling impunity.

Freedom of expression and association. Freedom of the press. These are vital elements of a thriving democracy. They form the bulwarks of what a nation practising popular government, which is positioned by the people and for their service should be defined with. They're at best and rightly took described as rights so inalienable.

But the current situation which we find ourselves in this country has just been the negation of these principle and the utmost disregard for these defining values. The Bill on the hate speech, for me wouldn't have been a bigger deal, in so far it has a good value to promote and also the negative ones to checkmate.

But the fear of the people, which has propelled them to view the Bill entirely with contempt, disposing same off as having no beneficial values to bring, supposedly stem from the penchant of the Nigerian government to overstep boundaries and turn seemingly beneficial instruments of law into tools for selfserving purposes.

It is as though, ours is a nation designed to find every good venture just to rubbish. The vehicle of government as a means to provide for and support the values of the citizenry has become abused by those who should steer its affairs.

The Sowore and Bakare case is a point in focus, where agents of government chose to abuse the purpose of governance, especially as it concerns the shameful and dishonourable invasion of the Federal High Court auditorium.

The Courtroom, is supposed to be a vicinity of sanctity, where insensitivity is held to bar. This is without losing the fact that it's remains a part of the government- the third leg. The power of the lawcourt is further amplified by the presence of a presiding judge, whose pronouncements at that instance should be seen as unfailing orders.

It is for the above that the dishonourable invasion of the courtroom on Friday, 6th December by officials of the DSS is mostly condemned in trying to arrest the duo of Sowore and Bakare. Their act, beyond been appalling, is utterly sacrilegious and is strongly condemned.

The matter should not be swept under the carpet. The replications which this precedence shall set if not wholesomely treated would be better imagined than experienced. We do not want to turn this nation into a jungle, where toutly conducts and unconscionable self-help take over constitutional execution.

Those involved in one way or the other should be prosecuted, and just like Daura, under whose watch an arm of the government was held hostage, the current Director General of the DSS should be sacked. That's my take. The boys we saw acting such shameful drama in the courtroom had a piper playing the tune. The check should start therefrom.


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