COVID-19 and the laxity of the world

The novel coronavirus that broke out late December of 2019 in China, had come with a bold warning signal at least to the other most parts of the world. But the response this other parts evinced was something whose imbecility has become so visible with the now-grappling effect. It was a downplay whose ripple effect has seemed to have caught everyone unawares. But should it have?

At the news of the outbreak of this COVID-19 in Wuhan, China, and then South Korea, it appeared most of this countries underestimated the capacity of this disease or rather saw it as a minor issue restricted to China, of which they weren't really to be bothered about. It just seems so, because the laissez faire that occasioned this spread was very obvious and something worrisome. The measure earlier taken by these countries in handling the now declared pandemic was to say the least not reassuring. This laxity was what gave boost to the wide and massive spread of this deadly virus. And this is very unfortunate!

And from this obvious failure to act fast in the face of the glaring warning from China, the novel virus (carried by humans), spread along with vengeful intensity to Italy, France, Iran, Spain, Japan, Germany, Canada, the UK, the US, Brazil, Nigeria, Venezuela, Austria, Japan, South Africa, Egypt, Kenya, Sudan, Serbia, Congo, the Philippines, Australia, and so on, affecting over 100 countries. This viral inferno continues to burn wildly and the whole world seems to be consumed by it. 

With reality so bold and the cock coming home to roost, some of these countries suddenly seems to wake from their slumber to begin to assert some strict measures aimed at controlling the spread of the virus, measures initially expected of them. But big question is what steps were taken all the while by these countries that are now been infected with the virus and whose infection has caused a rethink towards taking drastic and sweeping decisions? Where was this sense of urgency and protectionism the initial days, especially when the World Health Organisation (WHO) had declared the situation a global emergency?

Of great note is how Italy, the US, Iran and the UK left their borders widely open for visitors returning from recognized Coronavirus hotspots like China and South Korea. Travellers from these areas were allowed in without isolation, even when they were visibly potential carriers of the virus. We heard of how US and UK citizens returning from China were allowed to enter into their countries, bearing the virus. Nigeria's case even beat common sense of proactivity. It literarily willingly allowed the virus into its shores from Italy, maybe so as to be counted in the list. Just may be! Else, what could have explained the laxity at play to have allowed the Italian businessman even when it was known he'd come from Milan, Europe's epicenter?

The implication was that the closer the virus was home, the more likely it was to spread all across, affecting domestic affairs and populace; and the current pathetic situations both in the UK and the US better explain the fears over such home-coming and its negative impact. It is so much an issue to be spoken against, especially considering that the country of origin has seen a reduction in infection cases and offering the best of management.

The truth as could be seen is that CoVid-19 pandemic would have been better managed than it is currently and the virus would have been curtailed to remain in just that origination place, which as it is appears to be the best manager of the disease. If stringent steps were taken to consciously ask citizens and travellers alike who have been in China since the outbreak to remain where they are, the virus wouldn't have flown mysteriously into these countries where it is now having such overwhelming impacts.

It's unfortunate that the world acted with so much docility that allowed this novel coronavirus a swinging velocity, moving with increased intensity from country to country. It's so saddening that despite the awareness, these countries didn't do much to exert a policy that would restrict movement from COVid-19 hotspots and so stem the tide. It's very bad that the world waited for the virus to be spread with such uncertainty of combing before it realized how these drastic measures as travel restrictions from hotbeds, 14-day mandatory isolation for returnees and lockdown were necessary.

But then it was unfortunately late.These measures now taken are too late and outlived; the time that mostly human effort was needed has been allowed to fitter for governmental and institutional nonchalance. It's now a health pandemic. The world instead must resign to fate and pray that this disease is brought to a halt.


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