Covid-19: A Poem Of Expected Victory

Covid-19, the novel respiratory infection is spreading fast, but it's  deadly impact is not as overcoming as the impact of the panic over it. We must maintain sanity in the midst of this global pandemic to win this global emergency.


The heat of it shall become cool,
The storm over it shall quieten,
And the anxiety it carries filter away.

The Coronavirus pandemic,
The same way it came,
Shall in no time fizzle away.

We must for the time be quiet,
And maintain the sanity befitting of victors,
We must not let our panic flare over,
That through it the viral enemy muster victory.

Tho the tempest rages, it shall for a while be,
In the end we shall come out triumphant,
The human race, over the scourge, shall win,
And the novel Coronavirus have an ending spin.

But it must be by a focused commitment,
To ensure that we keep clean and keep safe,
Thro conscious hygiene and careful social gap,
By self-isolating, by exposing its presence early
We shall come to a rejoicing victory so early.

This novel pandemic, so overwhelming,
The same shall soon cease,

©Ahanonu Kingsley


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