#BeUnbiblical: Between Israel and Palestine?

I'm silently pleading for the airstrikes, the bombardments and the rocket-firing to stop. For goodness sake, people are dying, lives are wasted, properties are destroyed and very unnecessarily.

Innocent lives, mostly children, are the major victims, can't you imagine. And these are people who knows nothing about the history, the provocations and whatever mechanics of this warfare.

And just so soon, children could no longer close their eyes at night to sleep because of the reality of shelling, bombing and massive explosion around them. And these are children, vulnerable and puerile who ought not to be exposed to such nightmares of realities.

Women, mothers are all worried, with fear and apprehension decorated in mockery all over their faces, concerned not only about their safety but also those of their children and families. What's is this for crying out loud?

Just today, all 21 members of a family were all wiped out in a single day by a single ammunition all as a result of this madness, can you imagine that.

In ending this madness, it is not to suggest a giveaway victory to the Palestinian militant Hamas group. Beyond that and more noble, it is to return safety and guarantee sanity to those vulnerable women and children, who have been exposed to this undeserved madness. They do not deserve the deaths they've faced and their lives should not be cut short by something as avoidable as this.

This war ab initio is unwarranted and should not be. East Jerusalem for which the current rave of violence was sparked, has all along been recognized internationally as being under the Palestinian control, even though the Israelis have forcefully occupied it and has continued to since 1967 when they took it from Jordan and annexed it to itself in an obvious bid to have a united Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

The fight over Jerusalem has lingered between the Jewish state of Israel that had, in 1948, formed their new nation state and the mostly Arab Palestinians. The international community waded in to resolve the tussle with the two state recommendation that gave Jerusalem under the control of both Israel and Palestine. The west of Jerusalem was for the Jewish Israel to have as its capital, with East handed unto the Palestinian for their foreseen nation state. But to be administered by the Kingdom of Jordan.

In the unfortunate Israel-Arab war of 1967, the victorious Israeli chased away the Jordanian control of East Jerusalem and occupied the region. Thus, the Palestinians living in this area became subjected to Israel's caprices. They were expected to pay rents in houses they hitherto owned and were expected to have permits identification to be legitimately recognized as inhabitants.

The recent uprising I learnt was triggered off by Israel's desire and commitment to evict these Palestinian homeowners that has willy nilly been paying rents for their homes from their homes and hand them over to Israeli settlers, albeit through the aid of Israeli courts. That's an affront to good conscience and natural justice.

For goodness sake, how acceptable is it for an occupier of an area starts to allocate the occupied region to its people who uses the support of the law and government to chase away original inhabitants and owners of properties?

Please, let nobody tell me about any biblical or historical mandate. Forget about the quick resort to biblical pandering, which for me is elementary religious bigotry, the Israelis were wrong to have started this madness: of provoking a people observing their rituals in their most holy moment and at a designation they deemed one of the most holy and forcefully denying them simple natural justice.

Israel started this unnecessary violence and it will be right for them to quickly halt it and stop the unnecessary, unfortunate and deeply condemnable bloodletting!


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