The Cantankerous Remi Tinubu

Yet again, the supposedly distinguished Senator Oluremi Tinubu, senator representing Lagos West at the Red Chamber and wife of the national leader of the ruling APC showed her robust nature to react badly and to argue as though the decision of the matter must end by her and on her side.

This recent incident happened just yesterday at the public hearing for the constitutional review at the Lagos venue for the Southwest zone. It was precisely at Marriott's Hotel when, as reported, invited members of the public had come to actively participate in the public process to which they were called to submit memorandums.

Fine, for orderliness and sanity of the process, people were asked to organize themselves, file along a queue and maturely step into the Hall. Fine also was the restriction given, when supposedly the Hall could no longer contain more crowd as to warrant some latecomers to be barred from further entry to avoid bubbling up the place.

But what was not understandable was the selective let-in of some preferential people, who were latecomers too, and even later than those barred, through the back door. This was the scenario that irked some people who had to bar the implications to follow this group of latecomers given a select treatment and trooped also to the backdoor.

It was Mrs Tinubu who had herself come to assert this selective treatment as she was the one handy to open the door for her special latecomers. She would allow the select special latecomers, but she would dare not see the audacious other latecomers that would wish to be offered similar treatment try come closer and into the backdoor. 

That selective denial by Mrs Tinubu supposedly incensed a woman, who decried the discrimination and vehemently condemned it. And that postulation by the woman would win her the thug description from Madam senator! Senator defied decorum and called the woman a thug for voicing the obvious. Of course, people that heard it were not cool with it; they called on Tinubu to do the needful in recalling her gutter word and apologize.

But the cantankerous Remi would have no such. She meant it and she said it, "I will not apologize." Full stop!

Even when the people around reminded her of how her language was uncouth and replete of insult especially having come from a 'distinguished' Senator and served to one of her constituents, Mrs Tinubu would rather argue it out than eat the humble pie. She insisted on her stand, denying flatly the suggestion to apologise to one of her constituents and possibly one of her voters. 

By that obstinate pride and insistence in her stand, she'd showed again her cantankerous nature again.

Obviously, we could recollect the several episodes where she has behaved as such. Is it her confrontation with Dino Melaye? Is it how he challenged and ridiculed the sex-toy Senator Abbo as a baby senator he showed to be? Or is her easy dismissal of the huge concerns of a visibly sobbing Senator Smart Adeyemi as though a challenge to APC government is a smirk on her, as per the boss-lady of the party she is?

Remi has impressed with a galling pride upon any that came her way as to posit how she is amongst the movers and owners of the today's Nigerian political space. Need we deny her such effrontery and assertiveness, when she has as husband the Jagaban, who could move bullion van of currencies into his compound without any one daring to cough?

Who could challenge her, when it's obvious she -through her husband's support- has become impregnable, winning back-to-back and at will what has become her birthright spot- the senatorial seat of Lagos West? Until the day Remi (or maybe her husband) decides she's no longer interested in the senatorial seat, that's when another could possibly have a taste. It seems, for so it is. Ludicrous as it is!

But then, Senator Oluremi Tinubu should remember that although absolute power would tend to corrupt absolutely, at the end of the day, power is and still remains transient. She should bear this truism in mind always and try to redress what has become her posture and instead commit to making her supposed impressive power an avenue to show what a good woman can impress in the political space!


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