
Showing posts from March, 2017

IMSU's Best Nursing Student Inducted

John Paul  The 25th of March, 2017, witnessed a plethora of active celebrations at the Imo State University Teaching Hospital, IMSUTH Orlu, where the university's department of Nursing is located as the department held its first ever induction. The occasion also caught an eye on Nnakwe John Paul, who stole the show by emerging top of his class. Nnakwe, who hails from Ihiala in Anambra State, bagged First Class honours to become the best graduating student the Nursing department has ever produced since its inception. With a CGPA yet to be ascertained, to have bagged First Class entails obtaining a cumulative grade point average of between 4.5-5.0. To have achieved this means that JP, as he's fondly called by friends, passed all of the over 70 courses offered without conceding any carryovers. A registered nurse, having passed the Nigerian Nursing Council Exam, and one who has represented his department as senator in the students Union, John Paul believes in optimism.

Understanding Dino Melaye's Skulduggery

In all phases of the unfolding Certificate scandal, Dino Melaye seems like a crook; and in every steps he takes, this assumption is further amplified. The point being that, even as much as I would endeavor to avoid calling him so, his suggestions right from his initial statement of rebuff to his resort to court, just seem to make him a crook. When SaharaReporters broke the airwaves and infected the already saturated domain of public discourse with the now trending issue of Dino's unverified BSc certificate, it came to all as a shock, and very much to no other person than Dino himself. Trust the vibrant and outspoken Senator, who passes to me as one of the most active, most influential senators of the eighth session of the National Assembly. Senator Dino, who has a chirpy background as an activist, deployed his acumen to do what he knows best, and which, at the moment, has seen to be very urgent and necessary. He vehemently refuted the claim, daring the news medium to dig more.

Let's Fight Depression, Let's Be Positive (2)

The point is that anybody identified with passing through depression should have someone around, someone that can really revivify them, bring to them about life's reality, how the passing challenges that present as trauma could be handled. They need a psychologist or a spirit lifter.  It is not true that you must be a trained psychologist to offer this solution. What is needed is the spirit, the will and the motivation to inspire. You could prove your mettle in this by thoroughly keeping an eye on your neighbor, to know when such need arises. That's your first duty and prove to weather the storm. However, to assert this role effectively, you must be in the best frame of mind; you must be able to have what you endeavor to give, else you have no business trying to. It is to say that you must be free from depression and its impact yourself to identify and offer the needed help in conditions of depression. You can do that by thinking less of your challenges and considering r

Let's Fight Depression, Let's Be Positive (1)

Depression knows no boundary, affecting everyone regardless of class, age or belief. It is to say that whether rich or poor, old or young, fair or dark, believer or non-believer, the problem of depression is a general one to which all is susceptible. The recent  news of a medical doctor and a nurse that plunged into the Lagos lagoon is a good case scenario that proves that whatever or whoever we are, depression is a lurking phenomenon seeking us for preys. We could talk of depression is the result of excessive moment of thinking and cogitation especially of our woes and the negative things that life surrounds us with. Depression is the collapse of the mind to the weight of thoughts, which affects our mode and responses to situations and things. The fact is that, in so far we think, everyone of us can cave in to depression. Depression is manifested by an unhappiness and the inability to envisage a happy future or of palpable solution to whatever one sees as a problem or a concern

Ali Should Do The Right Thing

The refusal of the Comptroller General of Customs to appear before the Senate, especially adorned in uniform, has been on the public discourse, for some time now, generating diverse opinions. It is to add to the debate that I write. My view is that far away from the issue, Col. Hamed Ali ought not to have been appointed as the Comptroller Generally of Customs in the first instance. He has not been a carrier officer, hence his appointment is an error and a huge, rather denigrating, statement to the many officers of the Nigerian Customs, who should have fitted reliably into this role. That's a clear insult to their psyche and competence to assume the leadership of the organization they've, for long served and ought to know better. The above, I think is the basis for the attitudes being now played out by the CG. Because he is alien, doesn't understand the principles of operation of the agency he heads, he presents himself as a misfit; a clear case of a round peg inside a s

TERRORISM: I Stand With Britain

The whole of Britain is disenchanted and so because of the recent terror attack that gripped the very institution of its government. It is an attack that should rightly get other parts of the world globe disturbed for the very reason that it hit hard upon our shared human string and because it's a growing concern so fast spreading. The news of the lone attack that left 3 dead including a police officer and 29 injured, yesterday, at the Westminster Bridge came as a shock and rude surprise. The attack, so senseless and so shameful, is something that should get the whole world on edge. It has happened in London today, and the fact remains that the wild fire so set off by Islamist radicalism is still burning, and who knows the next target. The chain of this nature has gone in an unbroken twine. Just exactly a year ago, we were struck when a senseless buffoon sharing the same terror ideology attacked Brussels and left over fifty dead. Similarly last year, too, we had the Nice, Ber

VALUES: What You Do Posit (2)

What are your values? And are these values promoting your ultimate belief, affecting others and creating positive influence?  Just like I said earlier, your values are the creations of your beliefs; they are developed from the kind of belief system you have come to adopt and integrate and they are chiefly manifested by your actions and reactions. Your sense of desire and emotional attachments, which are laid by the things you have been exposed to and which have deeply sunk into subconsciousness, are manifested in the things you value. They are what keeps you unsatisfied, begging and worried, at least until you meet them. Therefore, it comes to be that if you happen to be, the one that believe in liberalism, your actions-by the very nature of how you treat people with their diverse, even antagonistic views, would portray your values in allowing people to air their views and live their choices, regardless of your perception. Your expression of your desire to charity could be a c

VALUES: What You Do Posit (1)

"A people who values its privileges above its principles soon loses both." - Dwight Eisenhower  What are  the things which you cherish, those ideas you so highly esteem for their worth? What are the things that can expose your nerves, that can cause you to vibrate, to really get annoyed because they've been tampered with? Indeed for something to get you red at been toiled with, that thing must indeed be something you have strong attachment of importance to. These are your values. What are they?  Values are principles, ideas, beliefs and generally anything, which we view as very important to have great esteem for. It is anything that has imposed upon our minds a sense of importance and worth,  such that we exercise extra needed effort to protect and safeguard. When we talk about values, they mean those things, be they idea, situations or phenomena that have impressed upon our consciousness a sense of high quality and importance, to the extent that they principally f

TRUST: The Fragile Yet Costly Commodity

How many people do you trust, as to hold them in conscious undisputed believe? Do you trust people at all or do you, even, trust yourself?  Yes, so many a people do not have a litany of those they trust; and some go to the extent of not trusting themselves-their minds and capabilities. And that's so, because trust is one vital, one costly item that is not so readily given out. It is a precious and a fragile commodity, whose value is strewn into itself; itself being a substance so highly tender and equally highly cherished. But what is the description of trust, by the way? Our understanding of what trust substantially represents will help us view it the way it should be. It will also help us understand its worth and be able to give same its rightful place. Trust is the act of entirely committing the mind to outside will. It is the reliance on the ability of a thing without necessary having prior knowledge of it. Trust is the show of confidence or faith in the quality of an

How We Could Together Grow By Tolerance

Our world is straddled with inherent diversities; some of these, such as of class, of creed and other circumstantial vagaries, albeit are the creations of man's will to dominate - and if going by its trends should make the human enclave a cauldron of tension and disharmony. Humankind was made with obvious differences, however the differences were to play far reaching goals, which by sensible collaborations should contribute to a world better than could be afforded by uniformity and singularity. The innate human diversity was to serve helpful, positive purpose. But today, by man's creation, what we have are humans steeped deep into the appreciation of categorization such that people are discriminated, kind of, based on the race, class or social standing they belong and the qualities or the traits they exhibit. For the above, our sense of leadership and leaders is crooked; believing that those who should be leaders must be those with some seemingly higher difference; those p

Perception: Your Vintage To Discernment

When perceptivity is talked about here, it is in reference to the ability to bring within the conscious feel of views that cut it off. Perceptivity is the ability of a detection, through deduction and intuition, of intents locked up within the subconscious mind, usually of the next person.  By perception, it means the act of intelligent and keen exploration; it is the individual's ability to go beyond what the ordinary senses confers and effect a clarifying x-ray. It is, in essence, the capability towards the apt exhibition of a necessary "sixth sense". Thus, perception, the effect of perceptivity, is the effect of the reimbursed exertion of the sensitivity from the support ably provided by the rational and explorative mind. The deep quality that maps out perception is that it sees beyond what is ordinarily, consciously, seen. Perception prods deep into the being to unravel what it earnestly posit but which, for various factors, it fails to reflect. Perceptio

Appreciating The Value of Peace

Peace is the oneness of the self with the spirit. It is the recognition which the self, committed to meeting the effervescent demands of the body, gives to the spirit,  the the ultimate guide and gusto of the will. We all know of how our will, in carrying out the dictates of the self, responds mostly and readily to  the whims and suggestions of what the body feeds it from the senses. We also know of how often the spirit is totally separated, in substance and goals, from the more sensual body. It is one separateness that makes them distinct in pursuit and seemingly disproportionate in their inherent values and desires; they are torn apart in obvious silent disharmony and often at loggerheads. It is for the reason of a divergent purpose that the self is seen as going against and  not readily yielding to the utmost desires of the internal being. The reason atimes, "the spirit is willing but the body, weak". But the spirit predates the body, the self. The spirit enlivens t