Let's Fight Depression, Let's Be Positive (1)

Depression knows no boundary, affecting everyone regardless of class, age or belief. It is to say that whether rich or poor, old or young, fair or dark, believer or non-believer, the problem of depression is a general one to which all is susceptible.

The recent  news of a medical doctor and a nurse that plunged into the Lagos lagoon is a good case scenario that proves that whatever or whoever we are, depression is a lurking phenomenon seeking us for preys.

We could talk of depression is the result of excessive moment of thinking and cogitation especially of our woes and the negative things that life surrounds us with. Depression is the collapse of the mind to the weight of thoughts, which affects our mode and responses to situations and things. The fact is that, in so far we think, everyone of us can cave in to depression.

Depression is manifested by an unhappiness and the inability to envisage a happy future or of palpable solution to whatever one sees as a problem or a concern. The height of depressive tendency may be to begin to imagine how to end life.

Thoughts, continuous negative thoughts, when brooded, manifest as the obvious expressions of depression. When we fill our consciousness with the reality of negative instances of life, it appears as if that's what the whole world has appeared to be; a world of struggle, of brawling negativism in which we have been presented with  no possible escape means.

As such, we feel helpless, lost out with no future and thus, no purpose to further live. In this state, we are stripped of hope, of happiness and of the strength to forge ahead. But what is life without reason, without purpose and without happiness?

This is the reason many depression cases ends in suicide, of why many consider taking their lives - to escape the emptiness, the hopelessness and the trauma.

But is that the way forward? Is that the best response to the situation, though devastating? Come to it, are those suggestions which the supposed problems present real? Are these ways which we understand problems to be hopeless and without end what they truly are?


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