How We Could Together Grow By Tolerance

Our world is straddled with inherent diversities; some of these, such as of class, of creed and other circumstantial vagaries, albeit are the creations of man's will to dominate - and if going by its trends should make the human enclave a cauldron of tension and disharmony.

Humankind was made with obvious differences, however the differences were to play far reaching goals, which by sensible collaborations should contribute to a world better than could be afforded by uniformity and singularity. The innate human diversity was to serve helpful, positive purpose. But today, by man's creation, what we have are humans steeped deep into the appreciation of categorization such that people are discriminated, kind of, based on the race, class or social standing they belong and the qualities or the traits they exhibit.

For the above, our sense of leadership and leaders is crooked; believing that those who should be leaders must be those with some seemingly higher difference; those possessing of some traits, though more outward in irrelevant in such consideration. Today, we thus have leaders, who are what they are because of misplaced placement and who view their subjects with disdain, with aloofness.

But the world is fashioned in such a form that human should have interaction and collaboration amongst selves if they are to grow and assert effectively their ultimate values; and this is strongly anchored upon the values of interrelationship- just as we have it.

Our world today is a construct that, over the years, has grown in inventions and beauty from the shared ingenuity of its human constituents. Our world has grown in leaps and bounds, and this is because the human population has found a way to effectively tap from the ideas, the innovation and the resources each individual has got to put on the     table.

But deeper and into what necessitates the evident collaboration is the fact that there ought to be the expressed exertion of tolerance, of the ability to accept one for what he is, regardless of the seeming difference.

Tolerance is the active exhibition of patience with the the other person's opinions,  ideas or belief, irrespective irrespective of whether they are congruent with ours was or not. It is calmness calmness in the face of divergent  views.

Our  ability to tolerate suggest suggests that we do not, in any forms hold our stand and position superior or better than that of the other.

Tolerance shows the admittance of the fact that though the reality  being shrouded  by circumstantial inefficiencies, we are one and the same. A failure of  this, suggests how contemptuous and how discriminatory we are.

Our ability to accept others for who they are, despite how different, fragile and lowly they are is a recognition that the are not less than we; but how that it is just twist of circumstances, and which we are not shielded.

When  next you see a person that your senses mulls that you are superior to or better off, give him the chance, hear them out and tolerate them.. It shows how you respect and and value  the deep reality of the human identity and sameness. Indeed, it tells of your humility!


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