VALUES: What You Do Posit (1)

"A people who values its privileges above its principles soon loses both." - Dwight Eisenhower 

What are  the things which you cherish, those ideas you so highly esteem for their worth? What are the things that can expose your nerves, that can cause you to vibrate, to really get annoyed because they've been tampered with? Indeed for something to get you red at been toiled with, that thing must indeed be something you have strong attachment of importance to. These are your values. What are they? 

Values are principles, ideas, beliefs and generally anything, which we view as very important to have great esteem for. It is anything that has imposed upon our minds a sense of importance and worth,  such that we exercise extra needed effort to protect and safeguard.

When we talk about values, they mean those things, be they idea, situations or phenomena that have impressed upon our consciousness a sense of high quality and importance, to the extent that they principally form the basis of our decisions and policies as both individual and leadership levels.

By and large, it is to say that your values is the basic guide of your belief and the principles that determine your course of actions. It is your principles that govern your steps, form your opinions, define your response to life: how you act, how you behave and the stand you take. And all these are the constructions and impositions of the basic framework of your sense of worth -value.

It is important to talk about values. This is because everything that constitutes the human commitments, in so far that they are the indicative actions of the mind's decisions, they stem primary from the value, the esteem, the worth and the importance we place on such decisions. It is important to talk about values, if possible, in daily discussions, because they shape and form whatever we do as private individuals and as social leaders.

Whatever actions we commit, whatever decision we express - whether they be good or bad, they all are formed with focus on and consideration from our belief system, our values; the question that rather comes up is whether the values we cherish and which underlie our ultimate commitments are good or bad. This is to say, a value could be negative or positive.

The best way to appreciate which value we hold dear, and whether they be good or not, is simply to ascertain from the obvious acts evinced by the individual. Thus, it would be understood that a good act, a good commitment streams ordinarily from value that is good; and  vice versa.

In all, our values, in as much they shape our actions and responses, largely affect - in whatever nature they are-the other person. Our values are one private choice we make that affect others around us; for they are carried by our actions and inactions.

The question is what are your actions, commitments and interests or not? Are they impressive and satisfying to you as a person; are they not the steps that should be leading you to the kind of vision you have for yourself or are they?

If they really are, hold on to your values and nourish them further; but if they are not, if you feel these actions are rather resisting your kind of dream, warring against your desired vision and making mockery of what you ought to be, make a sudden U-turn and change your values and principles, now. This is because your values are what shape, determine and inspire your views and appreciation about life and unconsciously us leads you to doing the good or bad things you do.



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