Appreciating The Value of Peace

Peace is the oneness of the self with the spirit. It is the recognition which the self, committed to meeting the effervescent demands of the body, gives to the spirit,  the the ultimate guide and gusto of the will.

We all know of how our will, in carrying out the dictates of the self, responds mostly and readily to  the whims and suggestions of what the body feeds it from the senses. We also know of how often the spirit is totally separated, in substance and goals, from the more sensual body.

It is one separateness that makes them distinct in pursuit and seemingly disproportionate in their inherent values and desires; they are torn apart in obvious silent disharmony and often at loggerheads. It is for the reason of a divergent purpose that the self is seen as going against and  not readily yielding to the utmost desires of the internal being. The reason atimes, "the spirit is willing but the body, weak".

But the spirit predates the body, the self. The spirit enlivens the body; and it is the spirit that serves as guide to the self, of the ultimate purpose that defines the human person. It is the spirit that carries the summation of the essence and the policy direction of the human person. Man is a being of purpose because he possesses a spirit that keeps him alive and guides him through his mind.

The spirit, though distinct in nature from the body, must be tied to it; there must be an effective collaboration between the two for the man to achieve the essence of who he is. The culmination of both the spirit and the body is what makes a complete man: for detached, man is indeterminate.

Peace is an essential value of the man of purpose. Peace is a veritable component of the mind, that holds it together and confers on it that serenity it so requires as the interpose of the body-spirit dichotomy. Peace is the indication of the collaboration of the body and its spirit.

Peace, as the sign of a commitment between the self and its soul, is the very necessity that a man, conscious of his being and purpose, needs, firstly within himself and then in his interactions with his fellow beings. It is a sine qua non to achieving purpose and goals; for in it, our responsiveness to the ultimate guide-the spirit and the submission to it is shown.

A state of deep harmony between what we desire through the self and what should earnestly drive our will, we would do well to understand confers a deep streaming tranquility. That, in itself, is Peace. We could could do not much in seeking for it.


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