
Showing posts from August, 2017

Everything Set For Tricycle Ban In Owerri

If everything works out well with the plan of the Imo state government, the operation of commercial tricycles popularly known as 'keke' would be stopped in Owerri, the capital city. Information Keke Napep emanating from reliable sources indicate that the planned ban which would take effect soon was reached after an extensive agreement talk by the 'keke' operators and the state government. One of the keke operators who confirmed the ongoing insinuation said that they state government had demanded for their opinion on the kind of vehicles to be used as replacement. He said that they opted for the Passat model of the Volkswagen car. With this it is more likely that the Passat would be the typical taxi operating car in the state. The ban on keke operations became rife following the increased rates of kidnappings in the state. The other reason is the traffic congestion they cause, which oftentimes see the kekes lined on the roads like ants. At a time, the st

Owerri Demolition: Calm Yet To Return

The noise emanating from the demolition of the Ekeukwu market, Owerri seems not to be one that would soon stop. This is going by the waves of reactions that have continued to trail the incident. On Wednesday evening, uneasiness reared up again and within the same vicinity of the market where it was alleged there was an attack, this time ethnic. The fight escalated to other areas like the Wetheral road and the Assumpta avenue, leaving people scampering for safety. Most business owners, especially along the Wetheral road axis as observed, hurriedly locked up their shops for fear of the unknown. Commuters were stranded as crowd built up. The Owerri indigenes, it was alleged felt angered by the involvement of the people of Ohaji Egbema, another local government area in the state in the confrontation that led to the eventual demolition. So, they set out to attack any person of that area. Though unverified, it was alleged that the brawl took two lives. Claims were rife, within the

Kanu Dares FG On Rearrest, Restate Call For Elections Boycott

The self-acclaimed supreme leader of the separatist agitators, Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has dared the federal government of Nigeria on its plan to rearrest him. While speaking to newsmen in Aba on Sunday the leader of the separatist group threatened that anyone who comes to arrest him in 'Biafraland' would not leave to tell the story. Nnamdi Kanu “I’m a Biafran and we are going to crumble the zoo. Some idiots who are not educated said that they’ll arrest me, and I ask them to come. I’m in Biafra land. If any of them leaves Biafra land alive know that this is not IPOB. Tell them that’s what I said.  “Tell Buhari that I’m in Aba and any person who comes to arrest Nnamdi Kanu in Biafra land will die here. I’ll never go on exile I assure you." While speaking on the Anambra governorship polls, he insisted on his stand that there will not be any elections without a referendum.  “We are going to boycott Anambra state election. After Anambra 2017, in 2019,

The Ekeukwu Killing, The Unwary Decision

Grief was on a very high tempo. It was indeed a moment of tears, uncontrollable, of wailing unwedged and of sorrow unmollified. That was the situation at the scene of the murderous clampdown on aggrieved protesters who were contesting the action of the Imo state government in demolishing the popular Ekeukwu market situated at the heart of Owerri, the state capital, August 26th. The 10years old killed It is indeed true, and to be fair to the government, that prior notices have been given in view of the relocation cum demolition. But then, the act that brewed the brawl was far inane and too sinister. For obvious reasons, the government had dispatched security operatives to hound down on resistance against its long standing decision. But baring all conscionable measures, it was a was a decision hastily taken and without caution to descend on armless, helpless citizens with naked brazenness of live ammunitions. I heard a ten years old boy was also affected by that harsh, cal

Farmers Without Constraints (III) by Anthony Okediran

            Xmas Broilers Production Not everyone is saving for the yuletide. Some are investing now in order to receive a share of your  Christmas savings. No one can, with a huge certainty, predict the outcome of the Mayweather versus  Macgregor bout. But it is very much clear that everyone can tell the destiny of broilers at Christmas. It is with the above that we continue to emphasise  the fact that livestock production does not have to be expansive. It could be more of a pastime effort; one done in one's spare time. The space behind the window can bring some cash returns. Also, the interested investor needs to understand the role of temperature, feed quality/quantity mix and timely deployment of drugs and vaccines. There are agro shops around town offering free consultancy to small scale farmers. It is important to understand that broilers are ready for the market within 9-12 weeks of adequate care. The obvious fact is that return on investment is very high and th

The Rowdiness Of Life, Our Way To Live

Life is about hustle for better prospects. It is indeed about struggle; the struggle to make what we possess better and more sustaining. It is this reality that gets people focused on doing things and making moves whose goal, albeit sometimes seemingly, is to improve on what makes us alive and gets us going. Therefore the driving force of all our endeavors to struggle, to hustle, is to keep life going and going on better. Everyday people move out, even though it might be not with a defined focus but with the determination to keep the life they have worth its living. Our market places are busy hubs, our streets are sizzled with the spright, energetic movements of people seeking to fend for a living. Everyone, big and small is engrossed in one of this or that activity to fend for living. People are on the move, traveling and journeying as passengers with a destination whose end is to keep soul and body in good shape. The busy schedules, the hustles and the incensed commitments tha

Court, At All Cost, The Good Attention

"...Never let yourself get lost in the crowd, then, or buried in oblivion. Stand out..."-Robert Green, 48 Laws of Power. The things we say, define us, the things we do, very well distinguish us. Our reflection of the things we are inside is what sell us out. They are the things that reveal us to others. By and large, it is our manifest attributes that people, those that watch us, count on. It is in the above context that we must realize how important the things we say, do or posit matter. Our reputation more than anything is the advert that presents us to the outside world. Our character, no matter how stellar it is, remains within the locked in confines where it is only you, only I, can appreciate and judge. But what is a world without reputation? What is interrelatedness without the others' appreciation of what we have and who we are? How do we inspire and win friends when there's nothing-that is appealing-to show? How do we influence and stand out when ther

President Buhari Returns After 103 Days Away

President Muhammadu Buhari, who has been away on a medical vacation in the UK, is back to the country. He returned at exactly 4.30pm. Mr Buhari left the shores of the country on the 7th of May for the treatment of an undisclosed ailment, leaving many Nigerians just wondering on what the nature of the illness is. The speculations grew to an unbearable extent where some had begun to stage protests demanding for the resignation of the president if he fails to return. This was after the man had stayed for upwards of 90 days. As the president successfully makes his return, we thank the almighty for granting him recovery and safely bringing him home. It is believed that the return of the president would save the nation from impending political crisis and put to silent the growing demand for his exit. According to an official press release by his media aide prior to his return, the returning president would address the nation on Monday, the 21st of August.


Today, the international community marks the 2017 World Humanitarian Day. This is a day set aside by the United Nations to reflect on our commitments toward helping others especially those whose vulnerability and helplessness call out for support and encouragement. World's Humanitarian Day is all about moving out of ourselves and meeting the needs of the next person, that person who is in genuine need. It is, even as much as we can remain within ourselves, about thinking of the other person; what we can do and are doing to impact upon them. World Humanitarian Day is about others, it is about selflessness. Our gifts, talents and resources must be seen to have some impacts in the lives of others. Critically, our resources should be used for the service of others. This is the reflection that today brings and the expression it excites. In the words of the great civil rights activist, Martin Luther King Jr, the most persistent and urgent question is "Wh

The Dos And Don'ts Of Handshake

This piece is reproduced with permission from Etienying Akpanusong. #etiquettecoach #etiquette Did you know that a handshake is more than just a greeting? Yes, it also sends a message about one's personality and confidence level. In this article, we are going to be dealing with: which hand to shake; who brings out his or her hand first; for how long are you supposed to hold or grip the hand; how to swing the hand, etc. It is important to know the proper way to shake hands because making a good first impression is essential in many social and business situations. The right hand is the appropriate hand to offer unless in a case where there is a limp hand involved.  While offering your hand, observe the receiver's hand to ensure he or she can receive a handshake with the same hand but if you have already offered your hand and then noticed that the receiver's right hand is limp, quietly change and offer your left hand instead with no explanations needed. Who bri

Kanu Withdraws His'No referendum, no election' threat.

Just as was envisaged would finally happen, the self acclaimed supreme leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Mazi Nnamdi Kanu yesterday reneged on the boycott he issued over the November, 2017 governorship poll in Anambra state. Former Vice president, Ekwueme with Nnamdi Kanu The withdrawal came soon after he had a meeting with a sociocultural group, the Ala-Igbo Development Foundation, in Owerri, the Imo state capital. Kanu stated that the IPOB which he leads is a nonviolent body and assured the leaders of the sociocultural group whom he regarded as elders that he respect of the readiness of his group to let the elections hold.  Kanu briefly said: “I came because of my respect for elders. IPOB is not a violent group. We are law abiding citizens of the society. “What we here today will guide us in the issue of Anambra election. I will go and meet with the leadership of IPOB.” The boycott statement by Nnamdi Kanu right from the onset was seen as an ineffective

When In Conversation With An Elder

The human rife for socialization gets him going and moving into scenarios where he shares thoughts,feelings and worries. People chat on trivial, soft issues, they discuss on matters of importance; with the conversation focusing on meeting the need to interact and share what's in the mind. When age mates and contemporaries converse, even if it's serious, their talk always is a show of ease,of relaxation and of an inherent comfort. But not like that with elders, senior colleagues and older people, who the demand to respect weighs in on the individual a steaming coordination and flying calmness. Have you sat down and talked with an adult? As in whether you have engaged in a conscious conversation with someone older, say your father, grandfather or mother. Unlike the chitchats with a friend, obviously, the case here is different. Definitely, you might wish to get on well in a conversation with an elderly person and still retain that spark of admiration that won you that

ASUU Strikes Yet Again

ACADEMIC Staff Union of Universities. ASUU, which is the Nigerian union of all university teachers, has declared indefinite strike over unresolved and contentious issues with the Federal Government.  According to, te union declared the indefinite strike at a briefing at Labour House, Abuja. The National President of ASUU, Prof. Biodun Ogunyemi in a text he read while briefing journalists said, “our members across the country were getting increasingly frustrated, distracted and disenchanted. It became evident that their patience had been tasked beyond reasonable limits and government’s insensitivity imposed severe burden on the leadership of the union “Consequently, based on a nationwide consultation with our members, an emergency meeting of the National Executive Council (NEC) of ASUU rose on Saturday, 12th August, 2017 with a resolution to embark on an indefinite strike action starting from Sunday, 13th August 2017. “The nationwide action is total and compre


"The Stubborn Useless Goats' Yesterday morning as I hurry to avoid the friday meeting fine. I overhad a shop owner shout " sturborn Useless Goats" The herd  spent the night at her frontage with a huge task for the morning. I agreed goats are sturborn. They eat everything eatable. They have great resistance to adverse weather. And they keep the investors fund growing. Surely goats can survive confinement. The goat farmer only need to be ready to feed the flock. A good understanding of goats  feeding pattern spices the returns. Goats aren't useless. At least the Nkwo obi and Isi ewu delicacy can be witnesses in this case. The goat meat flavor is irrestible anyday. Everyone can earn additional income rearing goats. And it doesn't have to be a full time job. The harvest in the agric sector is rich but the labourers are few. This piece is courtesy of Afopegbore Farms

A Typical Exam Hall Of Nigerian University

An exam scene @ the Imo State University, Owerri If our exam halls could be as rowdy, crowdy and disheveled like this, who knows of what will be the lecture halls.


With the continuous slump in economic growth and the attendant growing concern, the need to look inwards and effect a diversification process for effective economic turnarounds becomes the more glaring. In this piece, an intrusion is made towards the subject of agriculture to unravel the viable options it has as alternatives for economic growth. Yea ! A whole lot of rain across the country. While you express disapproval at the sight of the cloud when the water sets, some folks see increase. The reason being that they invested in that expectation. What about the space behind the house? ... Don't doubt it can grow some vegetables.. I think you rather join us in loving the rain. Farming does not have to be solely on the large expanse. Research has shown some crops can bring millionaires from the back backyard factory. The rains are indeed good opportunities for good farming experience. The thoughts expressed in this article are solely that of the author.  Okediran is a p

Is There Something With The President Staying Out Over 90 Days?

Many comments have been made since President Buhari jetted out to London for his renewed medical vacation. As more issues became raised as to the status of his health and veracity of the claims by those who paid him visits, it appeared the many interlocutors would have yet more to busy on.  The subsequent feed would this time shift to the appropriacy of Mr Buhari expending over a period of 90 days outside. Many have questioned the long stay, many more picking it as bait to nail the president's mandate, citing such as unconstitutional. But is it unconstitutional? Does the constitution say anything to its effect? What exactly does the constitution says about more than a 90 days leave? The President, Muh'd Buhari, took the needed constitutional permission to be away in London, UK for medical vacation by way of writing to the Senate. That leave began on the 7th of May, precisely. And Mr President since then has been on this leave of absence, leaving the affairs of governm

Gang Reprisal Caused Church Attack, As Death Toll Increases

More revelations have continued to emerge on the killing that occurred in St Philips Church, Ozubulu, even as the death toll rises to 11. The Police Commissioner, who condemned the attack as sacrilege, noted that the shooting was a reprisal attack after the perpetrators traced their victim to the church. He said: “Information revealed that this (attack) is not unconnected to a kind of a ‘gang war’ between indigenes of the state – the children of the same village – who are engaged in a warfare outside Nigeria, precisely in South Africa; there were killings earlier and this is a reprisal attack. “They (the gunmen) went to the church where he (the victim) was suspected to be undergoing the process of worship; the assassins fired and killed some people and that is the situation”. Mr Umar told Channels Television that the church authority, however, confirmed the death of the victim’s father during the attack.  “One significant point I would like to mention is that the father of t

Gunman Attack Church Worshippers In Anambra

No fewer than eight people have been killed in an attack staged by a some unidentified gunmen at the St Philip Catholic Church in Ozubulu, Ekwusigo Local Government Area, Sunday. According to reports, the gun men, wielding arm, walked into the church building while the worshippers were having the 6 a m. mass and began shooting sporadically. Confirming the incident, the police in Anambra said that the men who had come after a suspected drug baron, opened fire killing eight worshippers and injuring 18 others. The Commissioner of Police, Mr Garba Umar, in Awka said that the remains of the dead had been deposited at Nnamdi Azikwe University Teaching Hospital Nnewi.  He said that preliminary investigations by the police revealed that the attack was carried out by natives of the area.