Court, At All Cost, The Good Attention

"...Never let yourself get lost in the crowd, then, or buried in oblivion. Stand out..."-Robert Green, 48 Laws of Power.

The things we say, define us, the things we do, very well distinguish us. Our reflection of the things we are inside is what sell us out. They are the things that reveal us to others. By and large, it is our manifest attributes that people, those that watch us, count on.

It is in the above context that we must realize how important the things we say, do or posit matter. Our reputation more than anything is the advert that presents us to the outside world. Our character, no matter how stellar it is, remains within the locked in confines where it is only you, only I, can appreciate and judge.

But what is a world without reputation? What is interrelatedness without the others' appreciation of what we have and who we are? How do we inspire and win friends when there's nothing-that is appealing-to show? How do we influence and stand out when there's no remarkable presentation?

But indeed, our presence here ought to be seen, to be appreciated, yes to be counted. Very importantly, we must exist not only flatly and unrecognizably, we must indeed be seen to exist. To make a remarkable presence, one to be appreciated by all, we must be seen to stand out among the many crowds we find ourselves.

The point is that as an individual, who doesn't want to be lost in the crowd, who wants to make a mark, who wants to stand out, to be recognized and appreciated, you must court for attention, you must seek to get attention along your way, you must get people focused at you, talking about you and wanting to be like you.

How does one court for attention?

It is simply by doing things that has not been ventured into before or going the extra mile in the path others have taken. Very critically, to court for attention can be in two forms; it is either putting exceptionally a positive action or making a heightened negative show. But then, it is by doing something that rouses focus.

In courting for attention really, and knowing that it is doing something that strikes an interest, you must choose whether it is your intent to be seen as a positive influence, remembered for the life's you touched, inspired, and so placed in the good end of history or to be one infamous influence, whose place in history would be fraught with a reflection of ills and curses.

Courting real good attention is ideal. It is one action that leaves your trail of reputation at your exit. It is the mouthpiece and the banner that promotes your legacy long when you are gone. It is that which gives your world an inspiration of your character, your deep values. The reason you must go for it.

But then, the path towards this is very distinct and as such very demanding of a deep soul-searching. It is like a lightning striking through a dark cloud. It is attracting. Yes, it is distinct. But then, the cloud that produced the spark must be super-excited, it must have invoked a lot of energy. Yes, it must have worked.


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