Eid Kabir: A Wonderful Moment To Step Into Embers

The new month of September comes bright and fresh, offering us a gift. The gift of Eid Kabir, the Muslim festival of sacrifice, obedience and humility.

marks the beginning of the notorious Embers catchment, the period of the year usually associated with eerie feeling. The Embers, from whatever drawn myth, are such infamous moments when it's claimed that the windows and porches of hell are opened, with every evil flash focused around the human domain.

But this September-the September of 2017, is as it's observed, coming with one huge excitement; the excitement from the celebration of the festival that would, to an extent, be seen as assuaging considerably the fears, the apprehensions and all other negative feelings that bestride the coming of the Ember months.

The Muslim festival of Eid Kabir is a point to focus on as to how the good moment of joy that comes with a feeling of peace, of relaxation has come to stand in for the restlessness and fears of the Embers. And even more when we come to recognize that the first few days are for such passion!

This is to say that, the evolving joy as depicted by the celebration, which comes along with this dawn of September is not just for the Muslim ummahs but for everyone, wherein the indication it gives is that we need not fret for whatever fears we've been predisposed to about this period but to step into it with attitudes of positivity, faith and excitement.

To my Muslim brothers, it's an opportunity to wish you a deserved Happy Eid Kabir, asking that the core principles of this moment be re-intensified and projected further by your everyday disposition.

And to my brothers of other faiths, it is a moment to say you are not left out in the excitement. It is to wish you an also deserving new month, and new Ember months, which would indicatively be different from the others, especially in appreciation.

Happy new month, Happy Mubarak.


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