
Showing posts from January, 2020

TBAN: One million Signatures To Reform Our Electoral Process.

Some weeks ago, a social movement geared at improving our disproportionate political system, To Build A Nation (TBAN) gave the indication that it was embarking on a campaign to raise one million petitions that would effectively stir the discourse for drastic electoral reforms. TBAN is convened by Prof Kingsley Moghalu, a former deputy governor of Nigeria's apex bank. The call for the implementation of major reforms in the electoral process has practically begun with the signing of the one million petitions, which is the real-time call for eligible individuals across the nation to stand up and impress the clamour for change in our current electoral sysem. This petitions, which would galvanise many Nigerians, would subsequently be submitted to the two chambers of the National Assembly. It is aimed at stimulating in the legislators the need to see beyond just the high-flying clamour, the urgency and the sense of necessity in the Nigerian populace to see that the electoral process

Dalep: Crashing Value-system and Growing Inhumanity

The brutal execution of Dalep Daciya, a male student of UniMaid (University of Maiduguri) by the dreaded Boko Haram sect is just another incident that would keep distorting the serenity of the calm, observant mind, and raising beyond it, pertinent questions. Dalep had celebrated the yuletide holiday with his family. One thing definitely could have been in his mind as he set out for this journey: of how the new session of studies would be.  He was happily returning to resume studies when he was abducted along the Maiduguri-Jos highway. We also mustn't forget also of what could be the parting ceremonies of the people he had been with and who he was leaving for the moment to do the what was educationally needful. Dalep, as we were made to know left for this crucial journey with some other commuters, one of which happened to be his school mate, and with whom he was abducted. We wouldn't know under what circumstances the sect decided to eventually kill him- whether or not he

Auschwitz: The evil of the Holocaust

Today, as has become of every 27th of January, the Jewish people, joined by millions of others around the world, mark the anniversary of the liberation from Auschwitz, the poster moment of the Holocaust- in which more than 6million Jews perished. Today marks the 75th anniversary of the end of Holocaust. The memory of the heroism expressed by the people of Yahweh even in the face of the most cruel forms of death. The continuous commemoration by the Jews is the very occasion that seeks to put continuously to memory the worst period of the Holocaust and the eventual liberation by the Soviet Union's Red Army on the 27th of January, 1945. It was in Auschwitz that the greatest atrocity of the Nazi regime was orchestrated. Hitler had confined more than 1.3million hapless Jews in a concentration camp in the  German named Auschwitz in what was then a  Nazi-controlled Poland, forcing them to the most gruesome and inhuman form of death. Some were suffocated in gas chambers, some were

Ndubuisi Emenike: Enough of these maniacal shootings

Today, the availability of guns in the hands of individuals has similarly and in a manner so dramatic increased the penchant for frivolous shooting. You walk just along the road, and for no reasonably justified impulse, a shot, some shots are fired. What more, this situation has become so rampant and to the extent of been carelessly abused by those who have become handlers of this critical yet deadly weapon. People employed by the government and paid by taxpayers money to perform the statutory roles of defense and security are ordinarily and importantly armed. But in some cases that have become quite often, we see that some elements within these forces, who ordinarily should be seen as capable and fit to handle these devices are very devastatingly people of unstable minds- they are, at most, maniacs, whose madness has become fortified with the barrel. They shoot at random, in what a crazy fun and in such a heavily unnecessary manner; most times killing innocent passers-by and some

Kobe Bryant and the lesson of death

Life is a journey, one very ephemeral. This is a truism we've become used to. Each day, by the events and circumstances that inundate us, we are faced with this reality that it's become so real and so undeniable. Events come to an end, so do programs and plans. Very remarkably, and in such a manner that we might not readily accept and wish to deny, the life that we live and cherish also comes to end- sometimes in a way not too desirable even if we can't wish away. That's life: so short and so wishful. The news of the death of Kobe Bryant- one of Basketball's stars and legends is one so shocking and also reminiscent of the truism about the ephemerality and the unfortunateness of life. It speaks very greatly of how essentially life should be lived, at least understanding the irrefutable facts that underlies same. Kobe's commitment to the path he's chosen stood him out as a personality to be reckoned with. Such was his commitment that he's regarded a

The Stake Before New Imo State Governor

The task before the new administration in Imo state, from indication, has been set out even before it came on board. The previous administration of Emeka Ihedioha, though short-lived, was able to set in motion what could be said to be the path to a sustainable development for the state. It makes no overemphasis to recall the many strides of the Ihedioha administration which restored sanity to administrative framework. There was the stabilization and reinvigoration of the state civil service. Gradually, and the Imo state civil service was beginning to get life and ultimately assuming its statutory responsibility as the machinery of governance. The singular effort to bring financial probity in all dealings of government by the eventual harmonization of the revenue collection process is such a hugely commended step. The introduction of the the concept of the Treasury Single Account, TSA, in the state has not only brought fiscal discipline but effectively boosted the internally genera

Andimi's Murder: Wickedness took flesh

I've tried so hard to just let the beheading of Pastor Lawan Andimi, who until his horrific death was the chair of CAN in Michika area of Adamawa state, Nigeria by members of Boko Haram, pass away just like some of the heinous acts meted upon innocent citizens of this country and which we obviously couldn't do much to change. I have tried and continue to try, but to no avail. It's in response to that impulse and the ultimate resolve to say how much dismayed and totally devastated I am at the murder of this Reverend in the most barbaric, most cruel and the most unimaginable wicked manner that could be thought of. He was brutally beheaded in the most gruesome manner by his heartless abductors. Pastor Andimi was kidnapped when militias of the islamist sect invaded his community some two weeks earlier. And unfortunately, he was taken captive, with video of his captivity circulated by those who got him in thraldom. In that video, the man could be seen practically begging

Birth Tourism: Give birth in your country, US says

The United States government has placed restriction on visa issuance to prispective  visitorst who may wish to fly to the it's country for purpose of giving birth, otherwise called "Birth tourism". Explained by the statement from the office of the press secretary, Birth tourism involves the practice of having to visit the United States to secure "automatic and permanent citizenship for their children By giving birth in American soil" In a press release issue by the department of state, the restrictions takes effect from the 24th of January, 2020. In one of the reasons giving for this policy, the release hinted of a link to criminal activities and the 'overburdening of valuable hospital resources' to birth tourism. Before now, visitors to the United States are issued the B1/B2 visas, which are temporary visitors visas issued to foreign citizens who wish to have their babies in the US. For Nigerians whose wish to offer to their unborn kids the p

ÀMÓTÉKÙN: On Tinubu's Innocuous Posture

ÀMÓTÉKÙN. The issue bothering on the subject matter has gone beyond a mere consideration of ethnic or regional coloration . This is because it is reflective of the pervasive reality facing everyone in this country, irrespective of region or any other geographic appellation. As I've always said, a disheveling situation-be it security or otherwise- should not be played down simply because we do not fall within the sphere of primary target. The monstrous Boko Haram menace shouldn't be said to be a Northeast headache simply because it is not felt here. That would be the height of impact fallacy. We could also say the same as it concerns what has become or rather been turned into the political stormy wave of the moment. The ÀMÓTÉKÙN, seen as a Southwest construction should not be so limited, at least in reality, even as much as it is in perception. The truth is that we all share in the basic concerns of what necessitated the ÀMÓTÉKÙN apparatus, if it is not in reality, it i

Imo: The Daylight Subversion of Democracy

The feeling rife everywhere in Imo State currently is of rue; the dolor is palpable on almost everyone, as it concerns what many have described as the biggest daylight fraud of the moment. That fraud and the basis of the feeling is the recent verdict of the Supreme Court ousting Emeka Ihedioha as governor. That verdict by the Nigerian Supreme Court is one that's very remarkable, but hugely in a sense not impressive. It's remarkableness hinges on its judicial buffoonery; on its misapplication of justice by upturning the majority decision of the people of Imo State in what's seen as the most frivolous and most ridiculous judgement so far. The approval of conjured figures by the unanimous decision of the seven member panel that sat on the Imo governorship appeal was more frightening and so terrifying than the conjured figures themselves. What that unexplained branded figures, couched in no less a bag than the popular Ghana-must-go which notoriety in corrupt theatrics

Deepfakes: Facebook moves to regulate fake reports

Social media giant, Facebook has assured it would take down deepfakes for its controversial and deceitful manipulation. Deepfakes are highly manipulative videos that are computer-generated. These clips are designed to look real by taking a person in an existing video and replacing them with someone's likeness. It's to give the impression that such a person being represented said or did what he's said to have been done. Facebook issued the new guidelines to remove such fake manipulations, but did not say it would also affect the all rejigged videos, like the controversial one involving the Speaker of US Congress, Nancy Pelosi. “While these videos are still rare on the Internet, they present a significant challenge for our industry and society as their use increases,” Monika Bickert, the company’s vice president for global policy management, wrote in a blog. The online platform stated that only those that will be affected are videos that depict a character saying fic

SOLEIMANI: Iran Reneges On Nuclear Deal

Following the killing of its second most powerful person, General Quassem Soleimani, the Iranian government has said it's reneging on all the pacts of the 2015 nuclear deal. In 2018, President Donald Trump pulled out of the deal, stating that there was need to review the terms of agreement. Iran, in it's new statement, threatened to remove all limits on uranium enrichment, but however said the stance could be reversed if the US review it's sanction that has had crippling effect on the country's economy. Meanwhile president Donald Trump has issued warning that the US will hit over 52 targets if Iranian interest if Iran makes good its threat of retaliation. This is what he said, "Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets,

Soleimani: Tension as U.S. dares Iran

Iranian most senior military officer, Qasem Soleimani was killed Friday in raid at the Baghdad International airport by the US. Soleimani was seen as one of the strongest men in the Middle East. He had a towering influence and control over some militia forces in the region. The US maintained that Soleimani has seen the murder of thousands of people, including US citizens and was planning to kill more. He was also accused of been involved in the clampdown on Iraqi protesters, which led to several deaths. President Trump says the killing of Gen. Qassem Soleimani in a drone strike was not undertaken to begin a conflict with Iran. “We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war.” President Trump added that Soleimani's death was long overdue, saying that "he should have been taken out long before now..." insisting that the US is capable and ready to take on any challenge from Iran. The killing by the US has provoked a surge of ang

Buhari 2nd Marriage Rumour: Mastermind Arrested

Remember the popular rumour that went around about President Muhammadu Buhari allegedly getting married to the Sadiya Farouk, the honourable minister of Humanitarian Affairs? The brain behind the widely circulated video has been apprehended by men of the Department of State Service. Kabiru Muhammed was arrested on the 3rd of January, 2020. His arrest followed a manhunt on the source of the video after an official complaint was made. On the 11th of October 2019, the honourable minister of Humanitarian Affairs made a formal complaint to the DSS to the regard that a rumour of her purported marriage to the president has caused her emotional trauma. According to the spokesperson of the DSS, Kabiru Muhammed was the man behind the fake marriage footage and hails from Dallas LGA in Kano State.