Birth Tourism: Give birth in your country, US says

The United States government has placed restriction on visa issuance to prispective  visitorst who may wish to fly to the it's country for purpose of giving birth, otherwise called "Birth tourism".

Explained by the statement from the office of the press secretary, Birth tourism involves the practice of having to visit the United States to secure "automatic and permanent citizenship for their children By giving birth in American soil"

In a press release issue by the department of state, the restrictions takes effect from the 24th of January, 2020.

In one of the reasons giving for this policy, the release hinted of a link to criminal activities and the 'overburdening of valuable hospital resources' to birth tourism.

Before now, visitors to the United States are issued the B1/B2 visas, which are temporary visitors visas issued to foreign citizens who wish to have their babies in the US.

For Nigerians whose wish to offer to their unborn kids the prestigious American citizenship, which they never had, by jetting out their pregnant wives temporary to be delivered, that road is closed.


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