Be Reasonable In Faith

As humans, we're people, living in a life that's basically demanding of faith, and chiefly because the world we live in- nature and the whole processes of life- is a gargantuan adventure shrouded in awesome uncertainty and mystery. It is difficult to perfectly understand life and know the holds of tomorrow. 

For this reason, we must live life, facing tomorrow with a steep treading of faith- believing that the tomorrow that's uncertain and beyond our control and comprehension could just be favourable to us. Yes, we must walk this journey of life by faith and not merely by the giving of the senses. The senses are riddled with fears and false make-ups called projections!

''We move by faith and  not by sight...''

But in walking through life by faith, that process must be anchored upon a faith that's reasonable and very dependable. Going through life with just the impulsion of an undefined incitement in the name of faith could be drastic and catastrophic.

Indeed, having to flex the entirety of our life paddled by a faith which is unsubstantiated and lying beneath a shallow nonexistent foundation is, to say the least, acting in sheer foolishness. A blind faith, just as senseless as is the proposition of its sister blind love, is no faith at all!

And so, very remarkably, our faith must be such that's provable and has established foundation in the substance of a truism that's realizable and hence trustworthy. As such, you ought to believe in what's true and practicable. You should believe in that postulation that's undergone a tested scrutiny, a scrutiny of the mind's possibility.

What's my point? That as an individual, living and thinking, you must muster and exercise faith in what has been shone through the lens of credible rationality. It is such a step of faith that's correctly defined as ''ublima fide'' that is to mean the acting in good faith. For there to be a ''good faith'', antithetically, there would be a ''bad faith''.

Do not be deceived, therefore. What does not pass through the acceptance of reason, of the mind's scrutiny can hardly be relied on. Such is not a good faith, worthy to be acted on. It is the Holy Scripture that postulates how that a faith-expression ought to be validated by goodly action/work to be relied on when it says ''Faith without work is dead''!

I believe  and strongly express my faith in God, very primarily because the existence, power and love of God has been proven beyond doubt. ''He first loved us before we loved him.'' and ''While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.'' These are powerful scriptural presentations that prod deeper in reason to justify the believe in God and his Christ.

Therefore, whether as a believer or a free thinker, be practical in your believe, by being reasonable in your journeys of faith! You should test every spirit, for it is not all that professes divine inspiration comes therefrom. In the same vein, you must be careful of the substance, person, process or thing that demands and for which you express your faith.


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