There Are Consequences: Think Before Acting

I am beginning to think about life and the application of the salient principles of actions and consequences. We've heard that for every action, activity, inaction and thoughts of man, there's always attached to it a resultant effect. 

That's to say that in a very critical dimension, there's vividly the reciprocal outcome of what man's action brings. Every act of virtue of man, indeed, is definitely and justly reciprocated. Same could be equally said of every evil deed perpetrated by any individual. 

Some people in their actions go free of them, some may say; but the exception to this is merely an injustice that shall not escape recompense appropriate for it. Yes, from the dynamisms of life, which we cannot define with certainty, nobody could expressly say when, but if not now then definitely later.

Therefore, the basic message is to think before posing any action. If you are consistently doing good, it is fair enough for goodness to follow you; but nevertheless, there are cases which you might be treated otherwise. This is not what you're supposed to get, ordinarily. But never worry, nature has its course for making up this unfairness.

If you're the one paddling through the path that's questionable for it's evil impacts, you must not also worry that what effects that are adduced to your acts have not been imminent. Remember anyways that the consequences of every action is sure to come, maybe not now, but definitely later.


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