Black Lives Matter, Even More In Nigeria

Black lives matter if so much we realize that they do regardless of who commits the crime against the black lives or where it is committed. Yes, black lives matter indeed, whether the undignified action that seeks to trivialize and pulverize the black life is done in United States or France or Nigeria or the United Arabs Emirate. Yes, black lives matter indeed regardless of whether such barbaric and inhuman treatment against the black person is carried out by a white American, a pink Turkish or a black African.

The deep import of how essential the black life is, just like the white and pink lives are, is well appreciated in the realization that all human are values of primary essence and that their lives and the dignity they carry are objects of high importance that should always be respected.

The life of the average individual matters. More so is their right to exercise the liberty and privileges that come with their inalienable right to live. Whether they are black or white or pink, whether they be female, male or custom, and whether the be of Oriental or Occidental or of African origination, their rights to life and the privileges therein matter and so should be seen.

The foregoing brings me to a focus on the recent acts of barbarism that have cropped up in swift jerks recently within our land and over the seas. These actions, separate and differently viewed, through deeper dissection, all glide towards rationally distorted appreciation of life and its essence. They summarily are depicting of  the indiscriminate slide to degrading inhuman treatment of lives that ordinarily should be held in high esteem.

So, it was unconscionable and diabolic for those who stood up against good conscience in not only attempting to defile forcefully and kill a nonconsenting adult but to have done so within the precinct of a church. Indeed, the perpetrators of the heinous acts of rape and murder against Miss Omozuwa Uwaila, a freshman of the University of Benin, never valued the central principles of God, life and the dignity of the human person when the raped and killed their victim.

Just like the conscienceless murderers of Uwaila, the killers of Tina and recently Barakat never valued life nor its deep essences. These debased elements were uncouth and so conceited of their insidious incivility that they carried them out without any sense of abashment. They, in the obvious quest to cover up their shameful act of disdain, sought to hide a palpably undeniable crime by annihilating their dehumanized victims. These elements, wicked and callous as they are, did not care whether their victims were black/Nigerians as they are. To this heartless set, it was clear life generally doesn't matter.

These black inhumanists manifested the same level of depravity just like the White racist cops who pinned and watched the black American George Flyod die in the most gruesomely. Those white cops killed and abetted in the killing of Floyd without any sense of reservation, and very basically because he was a black whose life and its essences never mattered to them. It was this same way that the black/Nigerian depraved inhumanists never cared for the lives of  their victims (Omozuwa, Tina and Barakat) when they in separate dispositions, cudgelled and matcheted their rape victims to death.

Consequently for this senseless and selfish view of what life is that I join the hundreds of thousands of protesters, activists and concerned individuals in and around the United States to censure audibly the draconian yet selective murder of George Floyd. I do so primarily because it is right and a duty that calls upon me as a human, sharing in the primary elements which made George a human and a black. A mutualism reflected in the undying truth of MLK: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”

But more emphatically, I cannot condemn enough the brazen barbarism exhibited by these Nigerian murderous dogs, because I just cannot fathom, more so accepting, the reality that a black man and indeed a Nigerian can do such to his compatriot. Beyond the racism which was exhibited by the killers of Floyd, the murderers of these young women ostensibly proved how diabolic they are and how indeed life does not matter to them. And for me, they are the killers, worse than the nemesis of the black American!

It is my prayer, therefore, that they meet their waterloo in the very rebound of retributive justice, while calling on the security agencies in doing the utmost needful in apprehending these cowardly rapists and bringing them to deserving justice. The law must be enforced to use their kind to set an example on how rape indeed is a crime not only against womanhood but against the dignity of the human person and life's essences in general.


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