
Circa 2022: Time for a New Beginning

Did you buy that car, land or house you hoped to get in 2021? Did you acquire that visa, wife, job or contract you had dreamt to have in 2021? Did you loose that weight, gained that body, achieved that look or shape you set out to have at the beginning of the year 2021? For some others, there are endless list of plans they'd envisaged to achieve as the year 2021 begun. Did you achieve them? Kudos! If you did not achieve them, don't bother and don't get demoralized. Even as the year gave opportunity to grow, it was similarly and very visibly traumatic: the Covid-19 pandemic and its accompanied effects of recession, inflation and economic summersaults continued to have their biting effects on almost every sphere. It is quite understandable. Nonetheless, your being alive is enough assurance that you could achieve them in the new year, 2022; and you'd so do if you're willing to trust the process and try again. Clutch them along and move with them, but this time around a

Year End: The Crossroad of a New Year

The ending of a year brings a binary fusion of emotions: that of stocktaking and that of expectations. The year is ending, so it's essentially right to look back and take an appraisal of what the year ending has turned out for the individual. At the same time, the year rolling out, is obviously an indication that a new one is being launched, hence it'll also be right to make plans and designs of how the new year is to be approached. Credit: Shutterstock The year 2021 began with many of us clutching tightly our expectations and plans already and willing to execute them. Many of us made resolutions, be they financial, spiritual, personal- all geared towards making us better versions of ourselves and contributing effectively to our spheres of influence. Indeed, 2021 afforded us the rudimentary 365days to make do with the plans/aspirations we had in it; and it's within this period, as it winds down, that it becomes incumbent to check and analyse our victories, failures and near

Immanuel: The Unusual Christmas!

Just a day to Christmas, and yet it smells like there's no Christmas; not in sight, no feel nor in sound! Christmas Tree(credit: iStock) There were times, and it seems so long time ago- we do not search for Christmas, Christmas itself reminded us of its presence, by its signifying sights and sounds. Is it the ''Jingle Bells'' and the ''Feliz navidazes'' and the ''So This is Christmas'' that not only fed you with the excitement of the moment but very strongly reminded you that it was indeed Christmas that's got all the feelings? Is it the Christmas rendezvous as cursorily and very loudly sold out by the radio stations of the funfairs and yuletide shows to be hosted for families and especially children? Father Christmas, of course, was the spice and the very credible reminder for the kids that indeed it was Christmas. Is is the new clothes, shoes and dresses that were very customary to the kids (and some adults) that Christmas is he

Beating Harmattan in Its Game

The long awaited harmattan weather finally came just when we are getting into December. Cloudy Harmattan Though it came behind schedule, for reasons obviously attributed to the crippling underpin of climate change, it nevertheless arrived with the vacillating dynamics associated with it. The rumpus it caused the mornings of yesterday and today, with the accompanied stormy wind and swipes of dust particles it blew, I became concerned over its straddling effects on the human body. I was therefore forced to write a few note oh how to weather through the harmattan and beat it within its domain.  Here are just a few recommendations: 1. The Harmattan breeze is chilly especially in the wee hours of the morning. Ensure to have enough covering to buffer the biting chilliness and to enjoy your sleep. (Someone said the early morning sleep of the Harmattan could make you forget your morning appointment). 2. As you wake up in the morning and make your way to the sink to brush your mouth, be careful

The Transitional Break

Life gets to a point where it seems it has to pause a bit- the moment wherein you have to wait in a perceived voidness, that moment that nudges you out of its silence to ponder, reason, ask some questions and answer them yourself. Young adult/credit: bridgestorerecovery This is life's moment of turning point, a phase that precedes an eventual journey that will mark a new beginning. It's the moment that calls for concern and care, for it is the moment that would eventually make or mar the evolving individual, depending on how it's managed. Cursorily, every individual passes through this phase at a point in their lives. Whether or not you realize this as a crisis situation, it is one significant moment that, in deep introspection, you realize that it is there with you- happening and revolving around you.  The moment of essential turnaround it is called. And I think I am currently passing through this stage! I'm at that point in my life, where I'm drawn to myself to th

BLEEDING: Not Only the North, It's the Entire Nation

BLEEDING: Not Only the North, But the Entire Nation Yes, the north is bleeding. But indeed, it's the entire nation that's bleeding, burning and squelching. Nigeria has become bloodied. Bloodstained flag/Pres. Buhari And though the carnage of the bleedings and the burning squelch are the hands-on actions of bestial beings parading as humans- be they named as terrorists, bandits or gunmen, the relapsing responsibility for this shameful infamy still falls squarely on the irresponsibility that the current administration of Muhammadu Buhari has shown. Yes, I hold the blood, the woes, the cries and the pains of the growing numbers of the victims of the everyday horror unleashed by elements of terror upon these heartless, callous, bestial and shameless individuals and groups that wield naked wickedness and distasteful bile upon Nigerians- be they in the North or in the South. But similarly, I chide and condemn in the strongest terms the inefficiency and lack of administrative courage

A Rationed Weekend

My weekend was one partly spent in the city of Owerri and partly spent in my village. There was a basis for why my weekend had to be rationed between my place of residence and my village of origin. I was prompted to travel home by a notification, which albeit seemed a command, to be present at home for the community exco meeting. My presence was needed, I was informed. As the deputy secretary and the handy scribe, my presence would be a fulfilment of service to community. And this too gives basis to why I'd seen it as a command! I returned Saturday evening and the meeting held on Sunday, after I had worshipped earlier. And very remarkably, I undertook my responsibility. I returned to Owerri having spent my weekend worthwhile- serving community and seeing my parents, who were elated to see me!