Beating Harmattan in Its Game

The long awaited harmattan weather finally came just when we are getting into December.

Cloudy Harmattan

Though it came behind schedule, for reasons obviously attributed to the crippling underpin of climate change, it nevertheless arrived with the vacillating dynamics associated with it.

The rumpus it caused the mornings of yesterday and today, with the accompanied stormy wind and swipes of dust particles it blew, I became concerned over its straddling effects on the human body. I was therefore forced to write a few note oh how to weather through the harmattan and beat it within its domain. 

Here are just a few recommendations:

1. The Harmattan breeze is chilly especially in the wee hours of the morning. Ensure to have enough covering to buffer the biting chilliness and to enjoy your sleep. (Someone said the early morning sleep of the Harmattan could make you forget your morning appointment).

2. As you wake up in the morning and make your way to the sink to brush your mouth, be careful as you dash the toothbrush through your teeth and the gum. During this period, every part of the body is sensitive, including the gum. You may injure it with less care!

3. After the last drop on your body as you shower, do not hesitate to towel your body and immediately apply your body lotion. Ensure to enhance the emulsifying effect of your by applying oil or ointments such as Vaseline, etc. This would help keep your body moisturized and shining in defiance of the dryly harmattan wind.

4. Do not expose yourself much to the sizzling of the sun. During this period, as a result of the windy dry weather, the scorching effect of the sun is well felt and such could be very disturbing to the body.

5. Another effect of the dryly wind and scorching heat of the harmattan is the dehydration it could cause. Much sun and much dryness with no moisture deny the body of water and leaves it struggling with what's on it pores. So drink and drink enough of water/fluid.

6. After each day's routine, take a warm shower as you return and do not forget to oil your body. Yes, it's a bath to sleep, but unlike the other periods, you'll need a well moisturized body to sleep well and wake up without a dry, scaly skin.

7. As you give adequate care to your body in this Harmattan, it is as well very essential to care for your home during this period. The dust particles blown around by the wind and the indiscriminate landing on surfaces is a major concern. So keep your windows shut when not around and make it a routine to dust surfaces of equipment in the home to rid them of dust and keep them shining. 

8. Don't close up rooms when around; this is very important even as you try to wade off meandering dust particles. The harmattan comes with stuffiness that cudgels clean air and as such could trigger avoidable meningitis. Prevent this seasonal threat by keeping homes well-ventilated!

At the end of the day, to keep your body and indeed your bed in good shape, you'll sure need to keep your body moisturized and glittering at all time during this Harmattan!


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