Year End: The Crossroad of a New Year

The ending of a year brings a binary fusion of emotions: that of stocktaking and that of expectations. The year is ending, so it's essentially right to look back and take an appraisal of what the year ending has turned out for the individual. At the same time, the year rolling out, is obviously an indication that a new one is being launched, hence it'll also be right to make plans and designs of how the new year is to be approached.

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The year 2021 began with many of us clutching tightly our expectations and plans already and willing to execute them. Many of us made resolutions, be they financial, spiritual, personal- all geared towards making us better versions of ourselves and contributing effectively to our spheres of influence. Indeed, 2021 afforded us the rudimentary 365days to make do with the plans/aspirations we had in it; and it's within this period, as it winds down, that it becomes incumbent to check and analyse our victories, failures and near-misses.

The argument for stocktaking and analysis of the passing year, beyond giving us a better understanding of how we've fared for the period, also provides a veritable yardstick to help coordinate our activities in the incoming year. Our successes could be used as embodiments to achieve more, even as much as our failures could help us understand our weaknesses and help forge new approaches to overcoming similar challenges wherein we've failed.

The focus of the year ending should be on how was it and how did I tried in thriving through. It's a question not more important than for the need to set into motion the new year catching in on the positive vibes and endeavoring to avoid its pitfalls. It's no more than this, for indeed the year gone is gone and nothing obviously could be done to rescue any of its regrets.

It's another way of saying that the focus and objective of the mental process of review and/or appraisal of outgoing year rather should be on the incoming year. The year 2022 is very imminent, and would soon begin, as such it would be roundly beneficial and more reasonable to channel whatever energy and resources available towards it for the purpose of making its objectives more realistic and better than that of the outgoing year 2021.

What are the things to be done?

The first will be to sit down and write the vision of the year 2022 down and the plans and yardstick to be employed in achieving them. You have a brand new year of 365days in view, and writing the vision and plans down will enable a force that will make you keep tab of the design you've outlined for yourself. To make it more personal and practicable, it'll help to make the task of goal setting for the year your personal responsibility, devoid of external influences and suggested goals. This process ensures that you become answerable to yourself and take the pills in the event of any dereliction.

You and I have got two days between now and the new year. I want to see an agenda set for the new yea before 1st of January, 2022!

Shall we?


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